So I missed Dave's party. Nobody gave me any information what so ever, and nobody called me on Saturday, so I didn't end up going. That sucked. Missed a friends birthday. My weekend was pretty shitty. Not in the general sense. Just in the sense that it was pretty much every other weekend for me. Stayed home, watched TV, parented, went to sleep, wash, rinse, and repeat.
Jen and I FINALLY caught this show on FX I've been waiting to check out for a long time. It's called "30 Days" by Morgan Spurlock, who did a great documentary called "Super-Size Me". The show is a reality program (which would usually have be turning it off) but it's actually a useful and interesting premise. You take someone who is hardcore into some sort of life style and have them live at the opposite end of it for one month, to put people in others shoes. My favorites from season one would include the well off Director (Morgan and his fiance) living on minimum wage for 30 days, and the Christian who lived with Muslims for 30 days. They are all very good shows though, and I almost always leave having felt like something good has actually happened with theese people for experiencing theese things. I HIGHLY suggest everyone give it a look if you haven't yet.
Dan picked up the new release of "Apocalypse Now", so he gave us his old copy of it. Some will probably find it hard to believe that I've never seen it before, but it was the truth.
It was a great movie, if you dig the war genre. I'm not a big fan of it, but if the flick is good enough, well then it's good enough. I thought it was great, awesome cast, surreal story and feel to it in general. I actually got up from the chair feeling a little uncomfortable having watched it, but not in a bad way. Considering it was made before I was born, it held up visually VERY well. Excellent film, and it goes on the list of flicks I wish I would have watched earlier.
I haven't watched it with Jen yet, but I think she will like it. In other news. The countdown is on mother fuckers!
Season 3 starts September 5th! TOO EXCITED~!
Before I jet, I'd like to toss out the idea that you should check out "V For Vendetta". Very good flick, watch and love. I just recently saw it, and put it on the must buy portion of my DVD want list.