Jul 14, 2006 22:06
So a pretty busy weekend. I'm up in Harrison for two KWO shows. One on Saturday and one on Sunday. I'm really looking forward to hanging out with my friends again.
Everything in my town house is falling apart. Almost all of the light bulbs went out on us in the last few days. And one of the switches shorted out on us as well.
Not a whole lot going on theese days.
I'm still jumping through hoops trying to get my foot treated. U Of M is suppose to be getting back to us here, soon. But soon is a relative term to them.
Lately I've been losing my enjoyment for BYW. It use to be much more fun when I was actually doing something. And it's become less and less fun over the years. And recently things have been getting a little too serious for my tatste. People are forgetting that this is still just BYW. It's for fun, and friends. When something stops being fun for me, I stop doing it. And it seems that I'm rapidly getting close to that point. I'm not going to bother saying "and that's sad" because it isn't. It's sad that some people tend to take this and themselves way to seriously.
After it's all said and done I will post my thoughts on the goings on.