The Hunt for a BETA

Jul 01, 2008 23:42

Beta anyone?

Cause I really don't trust myself to do a full fledged Ironman fic all by my lonesome...

Details and some fic ideas that won't leave me alone )


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Comments 12

hiratsu July 2 2008, 11:56:54 UTC
What kind of beta are you looking for? Because if you want someone to look over spelling/grammar and the over all flow and style of the fic, then I can help with that. But if you're looking for someone to check over characterization and such, I don't think I'd be much help.

But yeah, with my frequent collabs over the years with a certain RL friend, I've become rather good at spell-checking and grammar correcting. Plus, I have no life, so I'm free to help.

Also, I love your icon.


cartooneyes July 2 2008, 17:52:59 UTC
Well, beta wise I need both: I'm not exactly sucky when it comes to grammar but I like to have an extra set of eyes to look out for any mistakes. I do need one for characterization, definitely.

But if you're willing to help with the technical parts, then I'm willing to have you.

Thanks :)


LOVE your icon! (thanks for liking mine.)


ironvalrocks74 July 27 2008, 04:58:05 UTC
hi...can i join ? :D


cartooneyes July 27 2008, 07:46:20 UTC
omg sure yes! thanks i was worried no one wanted to!


eccentric_actor October 2 2008, 19:08:32 UTC
Yes! Spit random things at me at all hours of the morning. XD

I'd be better at characterization then grammer. :DDDDDDD

Taaake me. ;D


eccentric_actor October 2 2008, 19:10:25 UTC
Holey fuck, I wasn't logged in so this showed up as new and...XDDDDD

DUMB. I win a cookie. XD


cartooneyes October 2 2008, 20:15:42 UTC
you are taaaaaaaken!


eccentric_actor October 3 2008, 01:16:37 UTC
Really? Even though I posted like 100 light years after the fact? XD

My aim is ShesKatWashburn

and my name is clearly Bob...I mean Kat.


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