My official Tonyo Times 8th Midlands Cosplayers Meet is this Tuesday. If you're interested, we're meeting at the Sheffield Train Station entrance at 10am. We shall be moving on at 10.10am so don't be late. If you are, you should be able to find us shortly after at Forbidden Planet, Tai Sun Oriental, Game Station, and then probably KFC. We'll also be filling the Sheffield Space Centre.
Things you need to bring...
- Money for foods and that
- Nintendo DS for my Bomberman Tournament (you don't need the game)
- Camera for Facebook albums and that
Important thing, this is a COSPLAYERS meet, not a cosplay meet, so you don't have to dress up if you don't want to. This is just something to take part in between other conventions and stuff. I also film a lot for my Tonyo Times YouTube channel and I want to take loads of photos.
The first ever Sake GP will also be taking place. Not sure of the location just yet but it's a secret game that you wont be expecting. :P The Bomberman Tournament will be played in KFC upstairs and the winner will get a certificate along with photo glory... might be fun to overhype the winner with loads of photos with everyone. ;D
There is an event page on Facebook if you'd like to attend and haven't put your name down. Everyone who's already on the list will be tagged on this blog on Facebook.!/event.php?eid=130601843643267&ref=mf TonyoTV & World League 2010
The World League on Xbox Live Fifa 09 starts on 1st of August, and I shall also be doing a tournament, so on TonyoTV on Saturday 31st of July, I shall be drawing it. That'll be quite exciting.
There will be other topics and stuff but the draw will take place then as an extra.