Hellos. I've not been around online for a week. I want to spend time with Caroline over summer and I also have to go to work. It's been a bloody good week. <3 I have things happening anyhoos, here's a few updates and reminders...
Midlands Cosplayers Meet 8
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=100327193341790&ref=mf#!/event.php?eid=130601843643267&ref=mfThe Tonyo Times event is on the 27th July, 10am at the Sheffield Train Station entrance. There seems to be A LOT of people going to this. I know I've spoken about this being the last one, but maybe, just maybe, future events will evolve into something a bit bigger in the future. ;)
World League 2010
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=100327193341790&ref=mf#!/event.php?eid=133652616657109&ref=mfIf you have Xbox Live and Fifa 09, make sure you press the attend button on this before the 25th July and pick you team by saying who you'll be on the message board. Please be serious about playing all the games though, I don't want this to be a let down and have someone not playing their games.
MCM Buzz
http://www.mcmbuzz.com/Go check out the MCM Buzz site which is ever growing. The Expos are getting bigger. I'll have news on my site about this very soon. There's my second blog up now, and there's two Buzz Podcasts up too that are worth a listen.
Tonyo Times
http://www.tonyotimes.com/My website still needs a lot of work, but will one day be the main hub to all my activities. YES!
Lots going on at the moment and I will have new stuff online very very soon. These are just a few updates anyway, I'll do a proper blog soon saying what I've been up to. :) Hope you've all had a nice week and this crappy weather isn't getting anyone down.