Jan 09, 2009 00:12
On Sunday I decided to have a few friends over for dinner, so Julia, James and Vivek were invited over for a nice roast chicken.
Saturday saw James asking if he could bring Paolo (a mutual friend) with him as he was staying at his house and it seemed a bit rude for him not to come along - the only problem was a) I didn't have enough matching plates b) he's a vegetarian.
I jump in the car and pop out to buy some more matching plates and the ingredients to make a nice veggie option of Mushroom, Brie & Cranberry Wellington
Unfortunately, the journey killed my cars engine (must have hit a stone or something as there was a nice hole in the sump and no oil).
The time lost coping with this (pushing the car somewhere safe to leave, and taxi's home etc) meant didn't get housework done that I wanted so the place wasn't at it's best.
The next day the problems kept coming...
Veggie-safe cheese when used in cauliflower cheese doesn't really taste very nice
Oven died just as was putting chicken into it requiring use of old clunky tabletop oven that I couldn't judge cooking time on so roast potatoes were overdone
Dropped bowl with batter mix which also tipped veggies over so lost all the yorkshires and most of the peas / carrots / parsnips / broccoli.
The lightbulb in the dining room blew
I forgot to serve the stuffing
Apart from that, it went ok... Oh and Paolo - the reason all the disasters started, he couldn't make it in the end !
To cheer ourselves up we went to the local pub and entered the quiz. We came joint last, the only reason we weren't dead last on our own was because I accidentally listened in on one of the rival teams answer to the final question.
All in all a rubbish day (and no, I don't think the guests really saw the funny side *g*)