Oct 06, 2008 23:31
How I spent my Summer
Podcasting is fun
by P. Tony Mast
Summer was fun. I had a lot of fun going on vacation and podcasting.
Everybody else talks about vacation. I am going to talk about podcasting.
It is lots of fun. You find something you really, really like to talk about and you find friends who really, really like to talk about that thing with you and you talk about it. You also need to record it and post it on the internet. It's fun because you can talk about things you like and share them with other people.
Some people use podcasting to sell things or promote things. My friend Tee does that. I helped him this summer. He sold lots and lots of books. I also met Pip. She is a friend of Tee's. I think Adam has a crush on Pip.
Some people use podcasting to pick fights. That is sad and mean. Podcasting is a hobby and hobbies are supposed to be fun. Unless it's golf which my dad says it's OK if you aren't always having fun doing. People should have fun when they podcast.
Podcasting is fun.
That is how I spent my summer vacation.