end of the school year report

Jun 09, 2007 20:00

The way things are going it looks like there won't be any debauched-ass end of the year parties, what with everybody studying for finals and such...but my roomate threw up carlo rossi sangria into the trash can last night at like 3:00 in the morning, and I got drunk and played jenga in my friends room, which is kind of like a microcosm of all college parties, so i guess it all worked out. the girl i still have a bit of a crush but really don't want to (even if she like, took me in her arms and told me i was special and let me explain the brilliance of the opening line of Moby Dick to her or something...seriously, no seriously) tried to build a spiral tower with jenga pieces, but it was bomb-ass structurally unstable and fell down in a hurry. i tried relating it to the tower of babel story, but she just asked me why i'm always muttering weird shit to myself.
The only final exam I have this quarter is for cultural anthropology, which may be a problem, considering that I've barely done any reading since the midterms...for creative writing I had to turn in a portfolio of final drafts for all the assignments, and I'm just now realizing that I only made significant changes to about half of them. fuck, i feel creatively bankrupt. I tried writing about the sun looking like a runny, undercooked egg yolk (cause it did) but I don't think it turned out very well.
I have basically quit smoking, and I feel considerably healthier i suppose.
I have too much shit to do over the summer.
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