Iron Man 2: Movie screencaps + 1 video

May 04, 2010 18:05

Disclaimer: Okay, so, I don't own Iron Man. These are taken from the movie and I should thank to whoever filmed it. 
Warnings: It contains spoilers!

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Me: Shirtless Tony is so... kinky. I like it.

Natalie: Will that be all, Mr. Stark?
Pepper: Yes, that will be all Miss Rushman.
Tony: (staring at her) I want one.
Pepper: No.

I love this scene. So much sexual tension between Tony and Pepper. Natalie (Natasha) made me laugh so hard when she literally knocked Happy to the ground. The expression on Pepper's face when Natalie asks Mr. Stark if 'that would be all' is so precious.

Tony: Got any other bad ideas?

My mouth went dry at the sight of Tony with his shirt half unbuttoned. The sight of his arc reactor is so unbearably sexy. (believe me, he unbuttoned his shirt all by himself; Natalie didn't help him at all).

Pepper: (screaming) Are you out of your mind?!

I almost died with laughter when I saw this scene. I mean... she's like literally giving birth in the back of the limo, and Tony's like 'oh what the hell, it happens everyday, so why should I worry?' The way she starts screaming at him is so cute. It's like they're an old married couple, ya know...

Pepper: Tony... what are you not telling me?
Tony: I don't wanna go home. At all.

This scene is pretty emotional. I must warn you.

Pepper: I need you...
Tony: I need you too, that's what I'm trying to s-
Pepper:... to leave now.

I never thought I would hear those words coming out of his mouth. And the look on his face when he realizes she hadn't meant to say that... precious.

Pepper: Oh my god, I can't take this anymore. 
Tony: You can't? Look at me!
Pepper: My body literally cannot handle the stress. I never know if you're gonna kill yourself or... or wreck the whole company!
Tony: (exasperated) I said I think I did okay!
Pepper: I quit. I'm resigning. That's it.

The text says it all. And the kiss... um, I filmed it. So here it is.

Tony: How are you gonna resign... that I don't accept? 
Pepper: (laughs)
Tony: Hm?

Comments are much appreciated!

tony/pepper, iron man 2, screencaps

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