Weird dream

Mar 31, 2009 17:13

Weird dream

White guy and a mexican are roommates... both work with some mexican girl... she has two white kids, both fathered by a now encarcerated man.

The mexican man and woman eventually hit it off, he doesn't mind that she has two kids... both kids like him, the oldest being a girl, I'd say around 7 or so years old, her brother quite possible being around 4 or so.

There's some more filler here somewhere but I can't remember everything exactly, the man and woman end up hooking up... some happiness there.. thinking about it, the mexican guy looks like a counselor/teacher I had for biology when I was in Summerbridge, his name being Juan.. nice guy.. kind of had a Forest Whitaker thing going on.

As the dream continued on, white roommate likes to play the guitar... eventually starts to teach "Juan"... who in turn eventually buys a fancy chromed out guitar while still in the novice stage, both spending time tuning and just sitting in the small kitchen they share teaching and being taught.

The mexican girl though... her ex gets out of jail... starts watching her before making his presence known, finds out about the guys, moreso about "Juan".. grows full of bitter distaste for the mother of his two kids seeing another man, letting it be known to the kids and just feeling like his "old life" is being stolen from him... not sure why he was put in jail but probably not for anything good based on what happens later in the dream.

The con eventually confronts the woman and she is shocked and horrified that he's been let out of prison.. basically getting verbally attacked by the ex and left behind a crumpled mess on the floor as he storms out... not sure if he hit her.. just know that she's crying hysterically.

Dream cuts back to the guys "jamming" in the kitchen when there's a knock at the door... white guy answers and is shocked by what he finds, the con. When the con notices the shocked expression, he kicks the door in knocking the white guy down, "Juan", as if in slow-motion, dropping that oddly beautiful chromed out guitar turning to see whats happened to his befallen roommate... Just in time, sadly, to see there's the con, yelling obscenities about things "Juan" doesn't know or have the time to figure out before he's shot right above his navel.. "Juan" goes down his right hand over the wound... going into a slight case of shock, this is where I'm totally aware of my spectating and realizing that with that wound and the random intensity of the situation that he'd probably go into shock... The roommate starts to go for the con, the gunman now, and gets shot in the side going down quickly... the gunman now in the kitchen since he had kept moving forward as "Juan" went down.. turns to see that "Juan" is now yelling to the opened door with his hands to his mouth.. The gunman shoots "Juan" again.. not killing him... and then with one more seemingly fatal shot, he's put down again... this being where I snap awake back to my reality at 0652am.

One weird dream/reality... makes me wonder if this really happened, not sure why I dreamt such a thing.. reminds me of some kind of "Unsolved Mysteries" episode/flashback before they snap to the part where they're still looking for the con ex-boyfriend.

Thought about googling any of this to see if I had a vision or something but I doubt that I'm able to have precognitions.. I can only ballpark on guts and feelings.
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