What really happened in Syria.

Jun 04, 2012 21:13

Originally posted by rita_light at What really happened in Syria.

Materials of the personal investigation
Part 1
Investigation of Marat Musin   
  On the 25th of May - in a day off near 14:00 big detachments of gunmen attacked and captured Alkh-Khoola town of a Homs province.  Akh-Khoola contains 3 villages: Talkh-Dau, Quarlakhia and Talkh-Dakhab.  Earlier population of these villages was about 25 or 30 thousand people.

The town was attacked from the northeast by detachments of gunmen and professional hirelings. A total number of them were 700.  Gunmen arrived from Ar-Rastan (a team of Alkh Faruk - a Syrian free army headed by Abdul Razak Tluss, a terrorist, total number 250). They also arrived from Akraba village (headed by Yahya Alkh Qusef), from Farlakha village. Local bandits  from Alkh-Khoola joined them.  Long time ago almost all civilians left Ar-Rastan town. Now wahhabits rule there. They are supplied with money and weapon from Lebanon by Saad Khariri, one of the main organizers of the international terrorism who heads anti-Syrian political movement “Taiyar alkh-Moostackbal” (“A Movement for the future”). A road from Ar-Rastan to Alkh-Khoola runs through Bedouin districts. Actually it is out of government forces control. That is why gunmen’s attack to Alkh-Khoola was absolutely sudden for Syrian powers.

When gunmen captured lower roadblock in the town center (landmark is a pump power) and a local police administration that is not far from there, they began mopping up all families that are loyal to government, including old men, women and small children. As a result  few families of Alkh Saed kind were killed including 20 small children.  Abdur Razak families were killed too. Many of them were also blamed for passing from  Sunni Muslims to Shiites. People were killed with knifes and  point-blank shots.

Then they tried to present killed people like sacrifice of Syrian army bombing, traces of witch weren’t found.

The fact that at night in a hotel UN observers heard gunnery in Alkh-Khoola is no more than a stupid joke  for UN   Security Council. There are 32 kilometers  on the straight from  Alkh-Khoola to Homs. About what tanks and guns do they say? Yes indeed there is intensive heavy bombardment  in Homes till three o'clock. Yet firing at Monday night was explained like an attempt to restore law enforcement body’s control of security on a road to Damascus Tariq Alkh Sham.

By the way the information about us (that Russian are in Homs) was slipped just in few hours due to oversees.

You won’t find any recent damages from bombings or firings in Alkh-Khoola during visual inspection. Few times a day gunmen attack the last roadblock that is on the entry of Talkh-Dau.  Gun men use heavy bombardment.  Snipers that are from among professional hirelings actively  work in the town. 
The aim of provocation was to cause anger  of the world community so that to press for quick passing the UN Security Council resolution on Syria that was needed for the West to open the way of the military aggression of NATO.Notice that in a due time just the same provocation failed. 49 women and children were killed then in Shumaria (Homes). That was also organized due to Kofi Annan’s arrival.

Previous provocation was immediately disclosed as soon as it became known that this were dead bodies of alawies that were stolen earlier. Serious mis

matches were found in this provocation such as surnames  of dead people were from families that are loyal to government, absence of bombing traces etc. Any way a provocation machine is already started up. Today direct threats of Syria bombing are heard from countries of NATO. 
    Coordinated renvoi of Syrian diplomats has already started. Today there’re none of Syrian army in Alkh-Khoola. Never the less patterns are heard regularly. It is not clear weather it is gunners conflict to each others weather a moopping-up  of  Bashar Assad supporters continues. 
    Gunmen open fire for effect on almost everyone who approach a boarder of the town. We saw how they fired upon UN convoy and damaged two armoured jeeps of UN observers when they tried to approach the army roadblock in Talkh-Dau.
    A twenty year old terrorist was seen during the attack on a column.  They fired wheels that are not protected with armour. A backdoor of the second jeep was hooked with a splinter. There are wounded among attendants. Wounded soldier, ”UN observers came to us next day. Just as they reached a roadblock, gunmen started firing them. Three of us were wounded. One got hurt in a leg, another - in a back, and I got hurt in a hip. When observers came they managed to hear a woman who stood close to them and cried praying to protect her from gunmen. The UN observers saw how I fell down when I got hurt but no one of them didn’t help me. Our Roadblock doesn’t exist anymore. There are no civilians left in Talkh-Dau. There are only gunmen there. People of Talkh-Dau have an excellent attitude to us. They call upon the army to enter the Talkh-Dau. We were attacked by snipers.”

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