Jun 16, 2005 19:30
Sometimes I really wonder if I should take away my icon. It seems as though everyone continually stares at it, as opposed to reading my entry and responding. I can't say I blame you guys though. I would stare at me too... wait, what? Where was I? Oh yeah...
So, AZ is amazing. I'm getting a gorgeous tan *grins* No lines either thanks to Jer. However, he is the only one allowed to witness, well, unless he says you can of course. He's looking mighty good too I might add.
I think I'm going to try and talk him into going back to my place in Jersey for a week or so later in the summer, to get a few more things, and check on it. *grins* Maybe even through a hoopla for those boys that won the cup. And you guys better keep it sparkling enough that I can see my reflection! But still, Congratulations!