Aug 23, 2006 23:40
I'm in Culpepper, VA right now. I do believe the majority of this state is comprised of hillbillys that are literally true to their title. People that live in the hills, named Billy...I miss Cameron. I'm en route to this state's bastion of intelligence, commerce, and industry. Ironically enough this Mecca of sorts doesn't even belong to VA. So yeah, its(VA) got nothin'. I miss Cameron.
Last night I experienced one of the most difficult points of my life until this point. I don't ever want to go through something like that again. I was literally powerless, reasoning and common sense, life skills on which I have come to depend, escaped me. I was more than ready to leave Cameron's house with him heading to an unknown location for an unknown amount of time with an unknown plan. Just us and the future. Still sounds great, but those skills which I depend on are really screwing it up for me. All I know is that love will win in the end. We'll be ok.