great writing, thanks for the link! i have long thought this nations attitudes toward prostitution and marijuana were incredibly similar to the prohibition movement. They have managed to take a few uptight people's morality and turn it into creating an entire class of criminals that, if legalized, would be mostly harmless. If prostitution were legalized and regulated, could there be the violent abuse by "pimps", or clients? would prostitutes fear to go to the police, or doctors after such mistreatment, or if they feared an STD infection or drug addiction? Would we still have, at the street level, "pimps" who take 80% of the money made by the prostititute? Hell no, because Uncle Sam would want his cut so there'd be a much more equitable split!
Same goes for MJ, think of all the money, man hours and equipment wasted on tracking, busting, and burning MJ crops, the growers, the sellers, the buyers, for what is no worse than a shot of whiskey in effect.
i often wish our country had been colonized first by pagans, or athiests, so we'd perhaps not be so puritanical now. The prohibition of booze gave rise to giant, powerful, violent crime syndicates which, until then had been fairly small-time, less wealthy and much less violent. By the time booze was legal again, they were already too powerful to just fade away. If they legalized prostitution, MJ, maybe a few other of the borderline drugs, i think our prisons would be a lot less crowded and our cops a lot less busy with small time, victimless crimes.
Same goes for MJ, think of all the money, man hours and equipment wasted on tracking, busting, and burning MJ crops, the growers, the sellers, the buyers, for what is no worse than a shot of whiskey in effect.
i often wish our country had been colonized first by pagans, or athiests, so we'd perhaps not be so puritanical now. The prohibition of booze gave rise to giant, powerful, violent crime syndicates which, until then had been fairly small-time, less wealthy and much less violent. By the time booze was legal again, they were already too powerful to just fade away. If they legalized prostitution, MJ, maybe a few other of the borderline drugs, i think our prisons would be a lot less crowded and our cops a lot less busy with small time, victimless crimes.
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