The Reunion Show

Aug 20, 2003 10:59

Opening Scene: Pan Shot of Roanoke from Broaden as car whinding down ole country road. ..

Turning down gravel road sunlight leaving patterns on car. Zoom in on driver. Cut to house. Cut to Front door. Cut back to door opening.

Okay that's when all the screaming and hugging part came in.
It was so cool to see my girl again. Sher's been gone way over and year man alot has gone on since then. First thing out of my mouth was
Ack Long The long hair fits her though.
I stayed up to her moms all day we pretty much talked all day. We broke down and had a girl moment crying and shit but we cleared it up quick. She always was a sucka for tears..hehe. I had something in my eye was all. Late day sun or something.
Duane wants to come here Friday. He wants to see her before she leaves Jarretts not going to be able to because he works. That punk.
So Thursday we're going to Jacob's show at the 12 13 Promise the Ghost is going to be there. YES!!!
A must see show...
Just got off the phone with Duane... He's not going to be able to come up here because he has to work this weekend. Oh well, I see him next week so I'll be fine.
I have to start getting ready for classes this week really.
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