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ok, here you go. thatsingergirl July 1 2005, 01:33:02 UTC
am i...
- am i cute? yes.
- am i hot? i know someone who thinks so also... hehe.
- am i crazy? oh yes. haha.
- am i lovable? yeah.
- am i funny? derr.
- am i annoying? nope.
- am i psycho? duh everyone knows you are. haha jk.
- am i daring? i guess.
- am i a lush? no.
- am i a good person? yep.

would you...
- would you hug me? yeah.
- would you miss me if i was gone? yeah.
- would you kiss me? yeah i guess.
- would you make out with me? i dont think so.
- would you listen to my problems? yes.
- would you be a good friend? yeah.
- would you be my best friend? i'd try.

would you ever...
- would you ever go out with me? idk..
- would you ever do it again if you already have? i havent so i wouldnt know.
- would you ever marry me if you could? i hate this question. not in 9th grade. sorry haha.
- would you ever make out with me in a cemetery? guh, no. cemetarys are creepy (no matter what tyler says, haha jk)
- would you ever make out with me in the rain? haha, i like the rain...
- would you ever cuddle with me? idk

if you could...
- if you could give me a new name, it would be? umm... i have no clue.
- if you could do one thing with me, it would be? we could go play lasertag. yeah that'd be fun. lol.
- if you could give me a piece of advice, it would be? dont listen to what other people say. ever. cuz they dont know anything.
- if you could kidnap me for a day, where would we go? new york city. dont ask why.

just a few questions...
- what do you love about me? your hair, and your very funny.
- what do you hate about me? nothing at the moment.
- what is my best quality? you know how to make people laugh.
- if you could change one thing about me, what would it be? i'd make your eyes be able to change colors haha.
- what is your honest opinion about me? you rock. duh.
- what would you do if i sang out of tune? i wouldnt care. singing at all, is great.
- what song reminds you of me? nothing comes to mind at the moment.
- do i remind you of any characters on tv? no. but i think thats probably a good thing.
- have you ever had a dream about me? if i have, i dont remember.
- do you think i'm a virgin? yeah.
- if you just met me, how old would you guess i am? 14
- am i huggable? yes.
- if you could give me anything, what would it be? a baseball signed by some famous baseball player.
- if you could promise me anything, what would it be? that i'd always be there for you too.

- am i ugly, average, decent, good looking, beautiful, gorgeous etc.? somewhere inbetween decent and good looking
- if you could describe me in one word, what would that word be? flippin sweet! (i know, thats 2)
- when we first talked, what were your thoughts? i honestly dont remember. (way back in 5th grade)
- if you had to describe to someone who i am and what i am like, what would you tell them? that you rock and that your one of the coolest people ever.
- what are my faults? none come to mind. i'll let you know.
- what are my strengths? your not afraid to be a christian, and you dont hide it.
- do you wish we were closer? yeah.
- why aren't we closer? i usually only see you at church stuff, and we havent really hung out like you said


Re: ok, here you go. thatsingergirl July 1 2005, 01:34:20 UTC
i was really tired when i answered these, so yeah. sorry if they seem a little...boring. haha.


Re: ok, here you go. tony_the_tiger_ July 1 2005, 17:30:13 UTC
it's all good. at least you filled it out unlike someone named tyler! haha


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