Feb 04, 2004 14:34
average. if you'd ask me that's what i'd say. no better, no worse, no complaints.
i'll catch a ride just to take a walk through central park. not for any particular inspiration, but the nostalgia it brings. and for any excuse to smoke a cigarette while not knowing if i've exhaled all the excess from my lungs due to being able to see my own breath. it's the simple things that make life interesting.
not any one major or inpaticular event. just the smaller more insignificant ones. just deciding you're going to lean down to tie your shoe can change your whole days events, and that's more fucked up than your car breaking down or not making an appointment you were too hungover to wake up for. not that that's happened to me recently, i'm just saying.
keeping up appearances. maybe next time i'll have something more than this.