Christmas (V) Thing-a-thon Reminder

Dec 19, 2008 13:41

Two weeks to go!

Closing date: Sunday 4th January 2009

To join the Christmas Thing-a-Thon, just pick a prompt, or more than one if you wish, and create something for it: a story, hand drawn or computer manipulated piece of art or a music video, what you do with it is entirely your choices. Make it as tame or as naughty as you wish, just make sure the prompt pairing and word/sentence is shown in some way or another.

Usually I request your work is placed in comments, but this time I'm doing things differently. No word/character limits, post your work on your LiveJournal and post a link in the comments, or post your work on ncis_shared. Enjoy your prompt-a-thon :)

PS: If you have posted a story for the thing-a-thon somewhere else, PLEASE leave a link on the prompt list for me. Thanks


This way to the Rules & Prompts!
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