Rewatched it and...I gotta tell you, I still miss Kate on the show. I'm secretly hoping they'd cameo her as a ghost of Xmas in tonight's Silent Night ep, how pathetic is that, huh?
In Twilight, KAte admits (even for kidding but was she, really?) that she could see herself married to a guy like Tony...
In Twilight, KAte admits (even for kidding but was she, really?) that she could see herself married to a guy like Tony...
And I love your idea. That'd be so sweet...
and I can totally relate to being behind on the writing and online front: I am too: rpg, analyses, Xmas treats...
All the best for the Xmas fics! :)
And superb icon (I have the same and credited, I think it's perfect). :)
Oh, joy.
Thanks! Same to you.
Thank you. I'm glad you like it.
I love it! :)
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