Finalist Finalist Finalist YAY

Feb 21, 2008 10:24

Hey, everyone. Sorry for the short notice about this, but I've been so busy with one thing and another that I forgot to post this when it was brought to my attention a few weeks ago:

Marissa and I, and our ode to class warfare called "Kid In First Class," are finalists in the "Comedy/Novelty" category of the International Songwriting Competition!

Though the "official" winners are chosen by a select panel of judges (which in the comedy/novelty category includes "Weird Al" Yankovic, David Cross and Cheech Marin) they also have a separate "People's Voice" competition covering every finalist in every category, with the winners selected by votes from YOU! Voting only lasts until next Friday, February 29 (again, sorry for putting this off) but there's still time enough to stuff the ballots for "Kid In First Class"! What are you waiting for?!

Oh right, the web address.
NOW what are you waiting for, news about our album?!

Okay, fine. The first-ever Flying Like Wilma album, "LEARNING TO READ MADE ME COOL!," is officially DONE! It's got seventeen tracks, including "Kid In First Class," "Welcome To Me (featuring Simple Charlotte)," "The Guy Who Doesn't Know Things," "The Rise And Fall of the SupaSucka 9000000(TM)," "The People Who Live In Your Apartment Building Singing Song" and more stuff that we recorded years ago and let ferment with age. Featuring cover art by Ryan Krzak, who also did those awesome Flash animated fan videos for Weird Al's "Albuquerque" and "Everything You Know Is Wrong" (check out his work at

We're probably going to make the album "download only," at least at first. We might burn a few physical copies if demand suddenly skyrockets, but if you want a copy as soon (and as easily!) as possible, get thee to an iTunes (we'll let you know exactly when it's up there).

In the meantime, there's precious clicking to be done:

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