fic: Charming Possibilities

Jan 30, 2010 08:53

Charming Possibilities - Part Six

Rating: PG-13 (language)

Warnings: Angst.

Part Six
Tony stood there, eyes wide and confused. He tried to figure out what to say, but it was hard. His head spun as he tried to sit up against the headboard, but somehow he managed to temper down his nerves.

“What truth?” He asked and yawned gently into his fist.

Pepper stared back at him and just then realized how terrible he really looked. His skin was pale and he had dark circles below his eyes. His lips were dry and she noticed that he began to sweat again.

“I don’t want you to marry that guy.” He admitted softly and made eye-contact with her.

Pepper bit her lip, not quite knowing what to say.

“I know that.” She whispered and looked down at her engagement ring.

“Why did you come here then?” He tried to sound like the cocky-self, but his voice betrayed him.

She had never heard him like that and it frightened her. His voice was barely more than a whisper and it trembled as he spoke.

“Look… I’m sorry for hurting you.” She opened her mouth to argue, but he raised his hand to stop her. “But I’m only a human.”

Pepper stared at him in shock and realized that he was actually apologizing.

“I know I’d probably end up in hell for everything I have done, and just so you know, I’m not proud of my mistakes. They changed my perspective over my life just a tiny bit, but not enough to completely detach myself from - distractions.”

“You are so completely wrong!” She told him with a determination that shocked him. “You won’t end up in hell.”

“Why do you sound so certain?” He whispered and looked outside his windows at the ocean.

He remembered the feel of cold rain on his warm skin and he instantly shivered. He hugged himself to warm up because he suddenly felt really cold. Pepper noticed his reaction and fought a shiver herself.

“I don’t really know. You’re a good person, Tony and I’m sure that those three months thought you something.”

“Yeah, right.” He snorted and looked at his hands. “Break off the engagement.” He whispered and looked at her, head tilted to one side.

“Isn’t this what you wanted me to say?”

“No.” She said weakly. “I wanted you to want to say that. Not me. Goodbye.”

With her eyes full of tears Pepper stormed out of Tony’s bedroom.

“I didn’t mean to sound like that!” She heard him yell from the base of the spiral stairs.

She couldn’t stop walking, even though the pain in her chest grew a hundred times. She didn’t even notice that in her rush she broke one of the heels of her red Louboutin stilettos.

“Oh fuck!” She yelled in irritation as she threw her broken shoe at Tony who was following her.

“Jesus, Pepper.” He murmured as he avoided the dangerous shoe.

“Lock down the house, Jarvis.” Tony ordered and stopped walking. He was panting heavily while he looked at the ceiling. “Unless Rhodey is still here.”

“He left approximately ten minutes ago, Mr. Stark.”

“Excellent.” Tony smirked.

“Tony…” She warned as he walked towards her with hurried steps.

She couldn’t stop him from kissing her forcefully. The sudden feel of his lips against hers made her slap him. He didn’t stop, though. He used his hands to pin her against the cool wall of his living room.

“That’s it. Hurt me even more. Isn’t it enough that I am so fucking screwed up right now so you decide to fuck me even more?” He growled at her, his eyes dark and dangerous.

“Please let me go and I promise I won’t see you ever again.” Tony’s face fell suddenly and the hurt returned into his eyes.

He backed away a few steps and stared at her.

“So is that your final wish?” He croaked out in a weak voice.

Pepper stared back and straightened her wrinkled clothes.

“I’ll take your silence as a ‘yes.’ Well, thank you very much, Pepper. I really appreciate your effort of telling me that you won’t bother to see me ever again. Thank you very much.” He repeated with great effort and left.

Her vision was blurred by tears as she watched him walk away silently. She felt as if she was seeing him for the last time. The tears that she fought so much to keep in control fell now freely on her cheeks as her knees buckled and she fell to the floor.

She had to be tough. She had to stand up and walk away like nothing happened, but everything else felt worthless.

Her breathless sobs succumbed to hiccups and she passed away.

Ten minutes later Tony descended the stairs, his own eyes red and puffy. Jarvis had informed him that Pepper had passed out earlier. He didn’t want her to sleep onto the cold floor - he had at least that much soul as not to let her get a cold.

He crouched next to her and brushed a strand of hair out of her face with a deep sigh. His heart felt constricted, but he had to do this.

He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead before taking her in his arms and carrying her to the main door. Her eyes opened when she felt his warmth. After realizing that it was indeed - him, she closed her eyes and accepted another gentle kiss, this time on her cheek.

“Go home.” He said. “You wouldn’t have been comfortable on the floor, anyway.”

Pepper stared at his turned back and put her hand on the doorknob.

“You know what, Pep?” She heard him mutter as she opened the door. “I love you.”

He grabbed her chin with his hand and tightened his jaw as he stared at her. “Remember that when you’ll be with your perfect husband and children.”

Pepper sobbed and bated his hand away to kiss him. He let her kiss him for a few seconds before he walked away.


Hm. Do you really want them to make up? Like… really?

iron man: tony/pepper

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