Apr 19, 2006 17:54
Who's hyped for tomorrow.
I know I am.
Got that purple and everything!
Tomorrow will be a good day.
In other news things is going well except for that i was supposed to register for classes an hour ago and I have no idea what I should take.
This whole not having a major thing is pretty difficult.
I wish I could you my compendium of video game knowledge for something. I would totally be the raw VG reviewer if I could write better. damn my horrible third grade experience (in third grade my school had too many students. I started off the year in a third/fourth grade class taught by a teacher who primarily taught fourth. I was lost. Then after the first quarter they decided to hire a new teacher and take a bunch of kids from the other classes and put them in this new class. The teacher they hired was fresh on the block. like a year out of college. Unfortunately for her she just happened to get a class composed of just about all the worst kids from the other classes. And me. Needless to say it was out of control. The only thing I can remember from that class is reading goosebumps by myself and the entire class sitting with our heads down and the lights off. She did that when we were bad. We were bad a lot. One girl fought her. I went to a different classroom to do stuff for reading because that class went no where and i went to the principal to learn math. The moral of the story is I was fucking gyped out of a third grade and I still feel like it has hindered my learning process to this day!)
This first year is running out quick.
The summer is right around the corner, less then a month away.
Can you say WOW!?!