Dec 10, 2005 23:16
Well if you didn't, I'm going to tell you anyway. When people take for granted what they have. That makes me so mad. I'm sitting here like, you've got it. You've got it! Now why don't you take it and run with it before it's gone!?!?! Don't stinkin' sit there and play around with it. Don't play with it! Don't casually act like this is nothing that should be takin' seriously! I hate it! I hate it that people have what I want and can't have. I hate it sooo badly! Stop taking it for granted. I might be a little more ok with the situation if you didn't act like it was nothing, like it was no big deal, that you got tons of it to spair. So much to spair that you are taking for granted something I want but can't have because you are playing around with it. Because you are nonshalantly tossing it aside, but at the same time playing with it like it's a toy, like it's a game. It is not a game. It is not a score card to see how many you can get. You're dealing with real things...maybe you should sit back and seriously look at things. Take down all your stupid stinkin' walls and get over your stubborness and you're closed mindness and look at what you're doing. Stop being so selfish to your needs and start looking at others because I can promise you, the second you stop worrying about yourself, stuff won't seem so hard. There is no way out of your pain, but you can make it easier by stop foccusing on it. Stop...and do something for someone else for a change...
Yeah...see....a little irrate....