As I am getting more involved with my newly found home in the Episcopal church, I have decided to start another LiveJournal that I am intending to be limited to invited friends. This journal is going to be devoted to various musings about my spritual journey. I would like to invite those of you who are interested and who might like to share some musings about your own spiritual lives (or a lack thereof), please let me know that you are interested in being invited onto the journal.
Please be aware that I intend and expect some pretty raw, frank writing to be done, and some hard questions to be explored. This will not necessarily be a "fun" journal to read or to participate in, but I hope it will be very educational and enlightening. Because of the deeply personal nature of this journal, I want to keep the friends group small, and to grow it at a slow pace. Don't ask to be added to my friends list because you have some obsessive compulsive issue with adding one more person to your own friends list, because you want to lurk and watch how I stumble around with coming to terms with my spiritual self, or because you just can't get enough LiveJournaling to satisfy yourself. If you are willing to share your own thoughts, challenge mine, ask the awkward questions or otherwise actually contribute to this journal being a place of considered thought and introspection, then please do wave your hand at me so I can add you as a friend. The journal will not be viewable otherwise. On another note, Kitty is not doing well folks. Please keep her close in your thoughts and prayers.