Oct 08, 2010 12:44
Greetings and salutations, livejournal. It's been a while, but as always, not much has changed since my last post.
One day I'll be able to write about how I got a good job, I've moved into my own place, I've bought a new car, and a lady likes me. However, until then, you're stuck with mopey me.
Patrick and I went to dinner at Brooke's house last night. We had a very nice time, and even though Patrick decided to watch six episodes of an ABC Family sitcom on their DVR rather than playing a game and talking with us, it was fun. He just sat there for an hour and half watching six episodes of "Melissa & Joey", which stars Melissa Joan Hart and Joey Lawrence, respectively. I don't need to tell you that it's a bad show, and Patrick said he didn't want to play a game because he was mentally burned out and just needed something mindless to take up his time. Well, he certainly got that.
Something that caught my ear while we were in the other room was an advertisement for "White Oleander" on ABC Family. "White Oleander" is a good movie. Don't get me wrong. But the announcer was so happy and chipper about this movie on ABC Family...and I'm beginning to think that the announcer hasn't seen the movie. It's about a woman who poisons her husband (or boyfriend?) by putting white oleander in his milk, which is deadly. Because she goes to jail, her daughter is forced into the foster care system and goes to live with other people, including a woman who eventually kills herself. This kid goes through some crazy shit, and it's not something to be happy about. I just thought it was interesting the way they were marketing it.
My other beef with TV this week was with this week's episode of GLEE. Last week's episode was Terrible with a capital T. I don't like anything about Britney Spears, and I'm pretty sure I would hate her children if I was given the opportunity. The whole music video inside a medically induced hallucination just didn't fit in with the show. Anyways, this week, Kurt's father has a major heart attack that puts him into a coma because of the lack of oxygen to his brain or something I don't know. The song choices were great, and Kurt singing "I Want To Hold Your Hand" almost made me cry like a little girl. Let's just say I can't stop listening to it.
But here was my problem with the episode. They made Kurt out to be the bad guy because he doesn't believe in God. Kurt didn't want to hear anything about God during his time of great sorrow and angst, but all people seemed to do was pressure him and force religion on him anyways. Mercedes (the big, sassy, black girl - for those who don't watch the show) even said she didn't know if things could be the same between them since she found out he doesn't believe in God. Let's see...he's a flamboyantly gay guy who has a high-pitched voice...but your holding his atheism against him. You're "tolerant" of everything about him...save his atheism? Why? He's not hurting anyone, nor is he pressuring anyone. He's simply asking to not be talked to about it, but no one will listen because they think they're right.
Well, what if Kurt's the one that's right? Like Sue said, it's very arrogant to assume that you're so right about something. And the hurtful things that religious people say...such as...you're going to hell if you don't believe what I believe. Even if you don't believe in hell, the sentiment behind the words is incredibly hurtful. Not really the Christian thing to say, is it? I actually have some experience with this. Over the past year, I've come to my own personal conclusion about religion and faith. DISCLAIMER: The following are my own views and I am, in no way, trying to force them upon or persuade anyone. I used to believe that Jesus would "save" me and all that stuff. I still had so many questions and couldn't get over the hypocrisies in the Bible. I would still defend the bible, but I honestly don't know why anymore. Read it. Pick it apart. For me, thinking it's THE word of god is very simple-minded. My own mother wouldn't believe my father when he once told her that you shouldn't take the bible literally since it has been edited, many times, by man.
Anyways, I shared my feelings on this with my brother one evening when we'd had a few drinks and were bonding. He was in utter disbelief. How could I think that? Did I never want to "see" my parents again? He said they're in heaven waiting for us, and he would really like us all to be together again at some point. He said that if I thought the way I did, then I'm going to hell. This made me laugh and cry on the inside. Laugh because I don't believe in hell and I think the joke's on him. Cry because my own brother would say something so hurtful to me. I don't give a shit that he believes what he believes. But this harsh sentiment...no thanks. I had to end up convincing him it was a post-grief phase so he would shut up about it.
One day he's going to find out that it's not. One day he'll find out that knowing that Jesus wasn't going to "save" me has actually saved my sanity. I don't have questions anymore. I know that everything is random and there is no grand master plan. I don't pray for outcomes only to be disappointed when something doesn't go my way and am told that it's "all apart of the plan".
Back to GLEE. Kurt tells everyone he wants their support, but not their prayers. Sue is behind him on this until she talks to her sister, and in one minute, Sue's mind is changed with the phrase "God doesn't make mistakes". Apparently that explains everything for Sue. She seems to change her mind about things by the end of the episode. Mercedes pressures Kurt into going to church with her (she lures him in by telling him he can wear a "fabulous" hat. That's how you get the gays to do what you want!). I understand that people want to "save" other people, but whatever happened to letting people be who they are and not trying to change them? Last season, we spent the entire season learning about each character and what makes them special. The whole point of last season, it seemed, was to let people be who they are and not try to change them. People are allowed to be who they are, express themselves, and they shouldn't be ashamed of it. Oh, except for when it comes to religion?
Sorry for the long rant. This is just something that's been bothering me. I realize that I should have bigger problems right now, such as a shitty job and still living at home, but this is what's been on my mind.
Oh, except for this. I found out last night that Marcie has planned a big weekend at Epcot with her kids, their husbands, and the grandkids. She's also inviting some friends to go with them...all for the Food and Wine festival. I've made it known many of times that I've wanted to go to Food and Wine for a few years now, but never had the chance. Turns out everyone's been invited...except me and Patrick. We found out about it from Brooke & James last night. Patrick and I are pretty understanding individuals. We understand the importance of family and sometimes trying to do things with a select group of people. Just fucking tell us. Don't let us find out from someone else. It only makes me angry. It doesn't matter that I can't get the time off from work to go. If I'd had enough notice, such as when this was planned, I could have gotten the time off. It is still nice to be asked.
Things were going well with me and Marcie. She hadn't done anything in a while to really annoy me or piss me off. Well, all dry spells must come to an end, I suppose.
I have the weekend of November 13 & 14 off. I just wanted a weekend off and so I got that one. I was thinking of going to St. Augustine to see A Prairie Home Companion do their live show, but now I'm not feeling it...especially because tickets are as expensive as they are for a radio show I can listen to at home. I am still, however, giving thought to going to St. Augustine for a nice day/evening. We'll see what happens.