Well, I finally took that awesome politics test
http://www.okcupid.com/politicsthat my brother was nagging me to take. It was a pretty difficult test, seeing that I am usually very open-minded and apathetic (by default) on a lot of the issues. So here are the results:
(Red = people who voted for Bush in 2004, Blue = people who voted for Kerry in 2004).
You are a Social Moderate (50% permissive) and an Economic Moderate (43% permissive). You are best described as a: Centrist; you exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.
Now, I finally know the party with which I'm affiliated! Though I've never heard of it... On another note, I got my first B in anything I ever turned in in college. =-o And this was my French Literature class! Actually, I got a D on my first chemistry exam. Oh yah.