this is for matt...i thought he'd like it...cause it's idiotic

Sep 11, 2004 08:40

Nerd Rock Josh: i could start a real cobra terrorist group
Nerd Rock Josh: cause then i could buy guns
Nerd Rock Josh: and then well stop veganism
Nerd Rock Josh: and world hunger
michaelsharpguy: you'd have to start soon
Nerd Rock Josh: by feeding vegans to the starving
Nerd Rock Josh: cause you know
Nerd Rock Josh: cows are vegans
Nerd Rock Josh: and theyre quite tasty
Nerd Rock Josh: so maybe vegans are quite tasty too
Nerd Rock Josh: and well start by terrorizing animal rights groups
Nerd Rock Josh: like the ALF and PETA
Nerd Rock Josh: like how they do research faciliites that are trying to find a cure for AIDS, deafness, and blindness....
Nerd Rock Josh: but since the ALF and PETA dont do anything that actually HELPS ... we eliminate them
Nerd Rock Josh: but before doing brute destruction
Nerd Rock Josh: we give them warnings like
Nerd Rock Josh: cattle decapitation on their doorstep
Nerd Rock Josh: rude, but VERY funny pranks
michaelsharpguy: yeah
Nerd Rock Josh: we could say 'hey ingrid 'im a stupid cunt' newkirk. end peta. or we will end it for you. eat a burger. you stupid bitch <3 Cobra'
Nerd Rock Josh: it would be great
michaelsharpguy: that it would
Nerd Rock Josh: cant you just see a headline 'PETA GONE... Wow... Didn't see that one coming'
Nerd Rock Josh: the PeTA Reich ends ....
Nerd Rock Josh: i haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate animal rights activists soooooooooooooooooo much
Nerd Rock Josh: theyre the most uneducated fucks ever
Nerd Rock Josh: 'but cows have feelings' FUCK YOU
Nerd Rock Josh: thats DINNER
michaelsharpguy: well, some know what they're talking about when it comes to information
michaelsharpguy: but i don't believe in what they believe in
Nerd Rock Josh: no
Nerd Rock Josh: most of them dont know SHIT
Nerd Rock Josh: they just get their information from really lame ass books
Nerd Rock Josh: that have no scientific data nor reasearch
Nerd Rock Josh: just scare propaganda
Nerd Rock Josh: i mean come on! wheres the fucking works cited page on PeTA's videos.
Nerd Rock Josh: and do people NOT see the license plates are in foreign countries in a lot of these videos?
Nerd Rock Josh: oh wait thats right cause in the OLD videos. they were south of the equator...
Nerd Rock Josh: and tried blaming it on america
Nerd Rock Josh: until someone that thinks like me pointed it out 'hey, thats not even in the US, dumbass'
Nerd Rock Josh: because we have LAWS preventing this sort of stuff
Nerd Rock Josh: and youre supposed to report it if you see it.
Nerd Rock Josh: and thats why we have REGULATIONS...
Nerd Rock Josh: but now peta edits their footage a little better and avoids that sort of shit
Nerd Rock Josh: with license plates
Nerd Rock Josh: evidence that it could be from foreign countries
michaelsharpguy: yeah
Nerd Rock Josh: but instead of reporting mistreated animals in factory farms to the proper authority...
Nerd Rock Josh: WHAT THEFUCK?!@
Nerd Rock Josh: and what made me SICk to my fucking stomach one day in austin
Nerd Rock Josh: was this big rally of angry vegans not allowing anyone into wendys on 6th street and congress
Nerd Rock Josh: they wouldnt let anyone in
Nerd Rock Josh: so the resturaunt lost money
Nerd Rock Josh: and heres the worst part
Nerd Rock Josh: the part that made me want to whip some asses
michaelsharpguy: ?
Nerd Rock Josh: a STARVING HOMELESS MAN had a buck 10... to get himself a jr bacon cheeseburger... and they wouldnt let him through
Nerd Rock Josh: because he was going to eat meat.
michaelsharpguy: i hate elitists
michaelsharpguy: i would come back with the biggest side of beef i could find
michaelsharpguy: and plow my way through swinging it
michaelsharpguy: and then i'd buy a classic triple, go sit on the curb, and set the side of beef in my lap
michaelsharpguy: and eat it off of that
Nerd Rock Josh: if you think youre SAVING the world by preventing people from eating... then you should DIE a HORRIBLE death
Nerd Rock Josh: the reason the earth sucks is that were what... 6 billion strong?
Nerd Rock Josh: and 2 billion are starving?
Nerd Rock Josh: you cant have a prosperous world with hunger and misery
michaelsharpguy: it's not all our fault
michaelsharpguy: i mean c'mon
michaelsharpguy: who the fuck would STAY in ethiopia?
michaelsharpguy: i mean if that's their holy land
michaelsharpguy: their god doesn't love them very much
Nerd Rock Josh: but with capitalism, equal oppertunity (not equal rights) and agricultural science (genetically engineered crops) we can put a big fucking dent to the problem
Nerd Rock Josh: and thats why i think we need to just destroy all things dubbed 'holy lands'Nerd Rock Josh: and have someone claim theyre the anti christ
michaelsharpguy: well, we would be destroying american religious beliefs,and a lot of constructs on society are based on that
Nerd Rock Josh: and be a martyr so that these people will realise 'oh fuck our religion is stupid'
michaelsharpguy: in a land without god, you thinking starving is a problem would be considered idiocy
Nerd Rock Josh: but see, i have no proof there is a god.
Nerd Rock Josh: science has proven god(s) wrong on several accounts
michaelsharpguy: you can't prove or disprove god
michaelsharpguy: because there would be no beginning
michaelsharpguy: and humans think on a strictly lateral level
Nerd Rock Josh: who gives a shit about the begining. we need to worry about NOW.
michaelsharpguy: there's a beginning and an end
Nerd Rock Josh: and not the future
Nerd Rock Josh: just NOW
michaelsharpguy: it's not that simple
Nerd Rock Josh: yeah it is
Nerd Rock Josh: like what are we doing now
michaelsharpguy: people need to identify with who they are and that would be considering all and everything
Nerd Rock Josh: being sleep deprived and debating on the internet
michaelsharpguy: yes
michaelsharpguy: yes we are
Nerd Rock Josh: people just need to wake the fuck up and realize that religion is big business.
Nerd Rock Josh: john hagee's a fucking millionaire
Nerd Rock Josh: all because he preaches
Nerd Rock Josh: DAMNATION
Nerd Rock Josh: and scares people into thinking theyre bad people
michaelsharpguy: people are bad
Nerd Rock Josh: not all of em
michaelsharpguy: that's the problem
Nerd Rock Josh: people are bad if you tell them theyre bad
Nerd Rock Josh: sure
Nerd Rock Josh: theres some REALLY rotten apples out there
michaelsharpguy: see, i don't need a god to know not to lie,cheat,steal,or do anythign where substance is needed to alter my state of happiness
Nerd Rock Josh: but theres a lot of good in people
michaelsharpguy: but i'm not straight edge
michaelsharpguy: or chiristian
michaelsharpguy: or anything
michaelsharpguy: but at the same time
Nerd Rock Josh: see the simple rule of life is
michaelsharpguy: people need beliefs because...people are fucking dumbasses
Nerd Rock Josh: and this is HUMAN life...
michaelsharpguy: they need rewards,and if there's nothing to look forward to, what's the point of getting ahead and making yourself happy?
Nerd Rock Josh: the rule is 'do as you wish. but do not impose harm on another person'
Nerd Rock Josh: well
Nerd Rock Josh: i think everyone should get a brain enema
michaelsharpguy: imposing harm is evolution
michaelsharpguy: how would you get business if you couldn't get a better product than some guy next door?
michaelsharpguy: how could you ask out a girl without hurting some dude's feelings?
Nerd Rock Josh: but its in our instinct to survive
Nerd Rock Josh: physically harming
Nerd Rock Josh: mentally harming is just for the pussies
michaelsharpguy: ah
michaelsharpguy: okay
Nerd Rock Josh: like
Nerd Rock Josh: murder
Nerd Rock Josh: murder bad
Nerd Rock Josh: unless you have a GOOD reason
Nerd Rock Josh: like 'yeah well that fucker killed my son, therefore i killed him'
Nerd Rock Josh: well did he do it for the hell of it ? 'yeah he did' well then good job thats justice.
michaelsharpguy: yeah
michaelsharpguy: well i agree on that standpoint, but then we would be in a state of anarchy
michaelsharpguy: and anarchy wouldn't work
michaelsharpguy: sorry, anarchy would NOT work
Nerd Rock Josh: lying is only justifiable if youre going to get in a girls pants
Nerd Rock Josh: anarchy is stupid
michaelsharpguy: i mean, we already try to have a society of no hurting,murder
michaelsharpguy: does it work?
michaelsharpguy: NO
michaelsharpguy: happy 9-11 by the way
Nerd Rock Josh: as long as theres no giving up freedom for security im happy
Nerd Rock Josh: that means socialism/communism is out of the question
michaelsharpguy: i'm happy as long as i can play in my band and eat and sometimes have money for jack in the box
michaelsharpguy: that's all my life is right now
Nerd Rock Josh: i feel that people should work and get paid to work
michaelsharpguy: good idea
Nerd Rock Josh: and thats capitalism
Nerd Rock Josh: and when you have exports
Nerd Rock Josh: and trade with other people
Nerd Rock Josh: the economies start to boom
Nerd Rock Josh: and become awesome
michaelsharpguy: i don't think there's such a thing as everyone being able to afford everything
michaelsharpguy: cause if that were the case
michaelsharpguy: we would have a downfall almost immediately
Nerd Rock Josh: well see we live in a society of gods and clods
michaelsharpguy: ....
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