It's so odd looking through this website again, all the old posts, all the friends pages which have gone inactive.
It's like when you walk through your hometown and everything is changed. Friends no longer live in the places they used to. Buildings are either filled in with new businesses, left vacant, or left as crumbling ruins that reflect the nature of memory versus reality. The only thing that links the past and present is yourself, and thus you become a relic too.
I've started keeping a written journal, but the problem with one of those is it can be damaged or lost. So I figured why not transcribe my journal writings to the one place that will with some certainty survive well beyond myself, or the physical copy of my written journal. I like my little written journal though, it's a bound paper-insert which slips into a leather casing, and I do all of the writing in cursive because it feels nice and elegant. I don't really expect anybody I know to read any of this which is also kind of a perk, I've got some vague notion that maybe if I continue writing and talking about my life time that perhaps in the future it will be something present-day people can look back on to understand life in the past. Really sort of self-centered and a tad narcissistic I guess...but it's also just human nature to want to be remembered eh? Who knows, maybe my words and fumbling through life will help some estranged reader get things right in their run of life.
Ultimately though I've found that writing for the sake of writing is worthwhile, there's something truly cathartic about writing all your thoughts and emotions, and the process of self-reflection is invaluable to understanding yourself. Writing is a very therapeutic process, and it's one which I think I want to keep throughout my life along with music, drawing, fitness, and invention. I don't really know if anybody else I personally know is still around using this site, but that's not a primary concern in my mind at the moment, more important that I write for the sake of writing and for documenting my own life should I ever need to look back to remember who I am and where I've come from.
Note to myself, here are the next tasks to undertake:
- Change my profile picture to something a little less goofy, and not moody either.
- Compile the entries from my other livejournal account, "Hollow_Helix", into this journal, as to have one continuous and unified journal.
- Transcribe at least one entry each week from my written journal into this online journal.
- Keep writing in your written journal, you still need to finish the entry for the ICRA 2015 Conference, as well as the DARPA Robotics Challenge trip.
In the mean time I've got to go and get ready at work, today we're having the students face-off against another elementary school for our FLL Sumo-robot event which I've dubbed, "Robozuna". It's a play on the Japanese word for the champion sumo-wrestler "Yokozuna", but fit to robotics. Unfortunately though we won't be having the Taikodan group show up, at the last minute they tried to spring some fees on us, and the elementary school barely has a budget for anything as it is. Still I think everybody's going to have a lot of fun.