So the semester is almost half-way through already. A lot of exams are coming up next week, and fortunately I haven't been scheduled a ton of hours at OSH this week. I'm hoping to get as much studying done before the weekend so that I might be able to hang out with Ben and Sam. Heros is a really cool series, and it's fun making commentary while we watch.
This weekend is looking to be fairly busy though. At the beginning of this month I got an invitation even on myspace from Melissa (I can't remember her last it Solley? Well, here's her myspace:
She's having a Halloween party this saturday. Some time ago we'd kind of chatted and did the, "Ya, I'll call you some time and hang out" But I was a lame-ass and never did call. So, I'm cashing in on it now, you could say. That and last I checked, she's another cooky, random, and fun person like most people I know are. So I'm anticipating having a fun time. I need to get over to Evangeline's though and pick up supplementary items for my costume. There's a heaven/hell theme to the party, and I've got to pick a side. Feel free to leave your opinion on this matter. :P
Luis and Austin's room mate Joey, who works at Gamestop on 65th with Justin, is helping organize a Guitar Hero II tournament at Gamestop on Saturday. Saturday is going to be fairly busy. Apparently the first tiers of the tournament will start on a difficulty less than expert. Austin and I always play on expert, and on a cheat-setting (Hyperspeed) so the notes come twice as fast. The cruel side of me is hoping I get pitted against a smart-ass 14 year old I can rail. However if that may happen, I must be ready if I get railed in the same manner. Who knows what beasts Sacramento harbors.
I've also gotten myself a copy of the Orange Box. Sweet jesus TF2 is addicting. And they fixed the Pyro! This flame-throwing monster used to be a flame-throwing piss-ant irritates-the-fuck-out-of-you-and-does-nothing-else class. Seriously, a heavy weapons man would have 300 health and 100 armor, and pyro flames would do...1 damage to each per I mean, if you've got 5 minutes to kill one guy who can kill you in 3 seconds, it works out fine. As fun, crazy, and awesome as the pyro is though, they have also fixed another class which has captured my attention: the spy. Before he could only pretend to be dead, and disguise himself as other people. Though since none of the games had friendly-fire damage on, people could just shoot their team mates freely to weed-out spies. Now however they can turn invisible for brief periods of time. This is such an improvement that you can now constantly kill people as a spy and hardly worry about detection (at least within time to kill you). Yes, nothing is as satisfying as coming up behind a team trying to bum-rush one entrance, and stabbing every one of them in the back.
Portal was fun, and short. I wish there was a way to save the companion cube.
I also watched the miniseries of Afro Samurai recently. The first episode I thought was the most entertaining. The other episodes seemed to fall into the realm of somewhat-tastefully cliche. The teddy-bear-cyborg-samurai was somewhat cheesy, and I wish it had more music like they have in the intro. Make a bit of a samurai hip-hop whoop-ass.
And Spore...I'm really hoping it's going to come out in March this time around. Looking at it now I couldn't see why it wouldn't be ready by then, but I am not producing the game. In any case, the limitation to the scale of your creature is very loose, so I will most definately be designing my big-game-hunting planet.
I also want to do some more running some time soon, I've missed doing that a bit. It feels good to have your muscles worked and a little tired. To sense all the smells and sounds goind around the neighboorhood. I can't say I like running on tredmills, it's just not the same as running and actually moving your body. I like being aware of each breath I take and release. I like feeling alive.
Though I guess you can't feel any other way but alive. Otherwise it would mean you are dead.