I still feel so nauseous. I don't know what I'm going to do if I smell it again.
I've got my laptop, my bike, and the clothes on my back. Things are so fucked up. I'm never sleeping near an open window again. I thought somebody was trying to break into the house through my room. I told him to stop, and he didn't listen. I grabbed the bokken by my bed and I...I cracked his head open, but he kept moving! No fucking way, people don't do that. I told him to stop. I TOLD HIM. I just kept hitting him, and hitting him, and hitting him. My bokken broke but he had already stopped moving. Then the smell hit me. Something so foul like the smell of hot feces and fish, I couldn't even move a foot before vomiting...and that's when I heard the screaming outside. Not just a single person, but several voices in agony both near and far.
I got dressed, put my computer away (didn't need any blood getting inside it), and stepped out from my driveway to look around. I'm never moving around a corner before looking again...some fucking psycho comes swerving down the road, obliterates their car on the brick pillars of my neighbor's house, and flips it right towards me. I'm just glad my Dad kept the tree in front of our house. It didn't stop him from getting out of the car though, and he wasn't alone. Jesus, things were really fubar. I just remember looking around once...there was that same foul smell of hot feces and fish, only now it was accompanied with the smell of ash and burnt rubber. I vomited again, only now my eyes were burning too. Embers rose from every direction...the street was hazy from smoke too. When they crawled out of the car, I could hear the wet jostling pops of trying to place weight on broken limbs. I wanted to vomit again, but I could only dry heave this time.
Were they...I don't know...I do know that crash would have killed anybody...it's just all fucked so bad.
I got to my bike as quick as I could...I thought of taking my Dad's new bike. That thing is awesome, it's got a gear-drive system instead of chains, so you can change gears without taking the ratios into consideration. But I think chains are much easier to replace. I rode as quick as I could to the city college, I figured nobody would be there during the summer and it's turned out well so far...there's internet here so I can figure out what the hell is going on, and maybe I can get into the food with some effort. I don't feel safe with so many windows around though...I need a safe place to sleep. I need to get back to my house to get the guns and some other things as well. Lock pick set, medical kit, some canned goods, and maybe my Dad's multitool if I can find it.
I can't get that smell out of my nose. I need to sleep tonight, but I don't know if I can. Those things are out there, this place isn't exactly safe...and I feel something deep and unsettling inside me...
Now that the screams have stopped.