Half-way mark(s)

Mar 17, 2007 15:05

So the math test I had was actually more simple than I had anticipated. She'd said we'd do problems with continuous compounding, but there was no such thing. She said we'd do a problem with moments of center of mass, but there was no such thing. So you get the idea about things she said. I think I've guaranteed myself at least an 80% on the test, so I'm eager to see what my score is.

D&D last night was generally 3 hours of killing a crapload of guys, which was pretty fun, but I think it'll be much more of an appropriate task once we've got more abilities under our belts. Oh right, except I can't get half of these abilities without making opinionated-exceptions. xp
Well, I'll find a way to make it broken, in any case.

Physics is still interesting as usual, we've just started talking about the Work-Energy Theorem, and at second glance I must say that (as my teacher said) it is a very powerful statement. It makes me curious as to what other things such as this will turn up as the course continues on, even into its later semesters.

So there's no work today, today I'm mostly just taking care of any remnants of homework that are around, leisurely playing a game or two, and also being my usual self about Spore. All I can say about it that's made me very content, is that you can hop our of your space-faring vehicle and walk around as your own guy, which means just one thing: time for some big-game hunting! Of what I've heard, I remember Wright saying that based on how you play your creature, your creature will have the same behavior (as close to it as they could replicate) when other people encounter it. Here's hoping. =P

I haven't had much in my life lately in the ways of stress by any means, my only latest trifle is figuring out why people do things that they do, or why they are the way they are. Not something I suppose you could figure out, but it's still a curious thing to ponder. In any case, I can say that I've been enjoying doing my martial arts by myself more than at the dojo, as of recently.

Just gotta try to take it all in stride, though, otherwise you won't stay on course.
I must also say, I'm enjoying this whole "reading" thing, which I've really taken up on recently, it's not a bad way at all to spend some idle time.

Also, same sort of thing Joe was asking, if you hear of any places that are hiring I'd like to trouble ya to shoot it by me. It's nice for making money and all, but I'd really like to be somewhere else than on a phone with people on the easter seaboard for 6 hours hearing about how this nation is going to fail because everybody has forgotten Jesus.

All well though, I'm still living well so anything said here is just a sigh between breaths. =P
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