Sep 03, 2009 14:45
Normally when a bug bights me the bug dies within 24 - 48 hours. I get sick, then I get better. Its a familiar pattern and one I've taken some comfort in over the years... I mean decades. My father was fond of explaining how we were a vital & prime bloodline. . During the Merrie England run I caught a flu... not the curly tail kind and I'm still sick, not least 'cause it got so bad I developed a lung infection.
I am however, much better now. A course of antibiotics & a major boost to the vitamin economy & I am now over the worst of it. Throat still a bit swollen, quite a bit of snuffles & mucous making odes to the rainbow but feeling much better about everything. I've FINALLY stopped coughing. It was not swine flue but apparently the land of Oz is experiencing its worse epedemic of whooping cough since the 60s.
Still an identity crisis. Is this what getting older feels like. Faculties, strength & skills all strong but armour starting to crack? Or am I just impatient for the whole month the way I normally am for the day or two a lurgi will normally take.
My new vocal coach is the kind of woman who has impressive technique & a fantastic reputation but can't really communicate that well. I suspect she is used to teaching kids who are overwhelmed by her or the experience. Adult education is much more about assisting the student learn - boasting, nourishing & fine tuning their established learning endeavors. Its much more of a peer sharing endeavour. The teacher looses no status but must share both experience, intellect & candour.
This one for example keeps playing recordings of great singers singing various pieces & interrogating me on what I hear... when I don't hear something - and I am stubborn / honest enough to say so she won't discuss it, just gets shitty & sulky with me.
Indeed I seem to be going through a period when most of the people I deal with on a day to day basis seem impressive enough early in the interaction but soon descend into behaviour unacceptable in a 10year old... or for that matter, a small hairy dog.
Me... I'm very much standing still & having - 'when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you,' - thoughts.
Will persevere... this may be (yet another) series of experiences that teaches me to curb my impatience, develop & develop & develop my composure. Seriously though, how much is enough. Don't I have enough bloody composure... I mean compared to community standards & expectations, not my ideal Buddha-like self.