Jan 10, 2002 21:58
it would be nice, you know, to not be so pathetic.
today i spent equal parts of time cleaning the room, doing baldur's gate adventure stuff, and trying to break into my neighbor's house...depending on how one defines "equal", because some people define it differently.
since i think some people doesn't read this anymore, i will feel free to rant about him a bit here...
does being conservative mean being closed in and against all outside opinion?
does old-fashioned liberal or libertarian mean being tied down by nothing, including religion and morality? no, that's libertine for God's sake (there, i capitalized God and i ain't ashamed) and i wish i'd told him so.
and am i really so ignorant and horrible? can we never get along?
okay, i shall try not to be affected by him anymore.
(yeah, right)
oh dear, i'm starting to develop an affinity for techno music, what can this be from?
but other than fighting on and off with some people, i find that life is good...