But, but, but, to put only Nagayan's face on his Twitter is really something, yes? - XDDD I do think it's really adorable how everyone else has pictures of everyone, and then there's Tuti, making it look like he and Nagayan are out on a date with just the two of them~ <333
And you know, I bet it's sake. Maybe? Because depending on the type, that can look kind of weird and cloudy like that... :D
She says they went to Tuti's play. O_o *consults the internet* ...Okay, now it makes sense, lol. So I guess it's this "Dream High" musical: http://ameblo.jp/pnish-tuti/entry-11300001476.html
Which I didn't know about, but now it makes sense why ドリームハイ is the title of Nagayan's post, lol. ;)
*flails* :D
But, but, but, to put only Nagayan's face on his Twitter is really something, yes? :D :D :D :D :D
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