Tonks Application

Jan 21, 2010 13:42

Pseudonym: Dena
Age: nearly-25 (in a couple of weeks!)
Time Zone: Boston, EST
Email: dena.katrina at gmail dot com
AIM: denalogy
MSN: dena.katrina at hotmail dot com
RPG experience: Lots; unfortunately, I haven’t actively RPed in a while and most of it was on GreatestJournal and therefore lost to the intertubes. To name a few, I’ve played Ernie MacMillan (Sixth Year non-canon and Seventh Year non-canon), Tonks (OotP canon, HBP canon, in-school, Seventh Year AU, and somewhat-cracky!AU), Alicia Spinnet (in-school and out-of-school), a myriad of bit characters, and Kirley Duke of the Weird Sisters.

Some of the only active RP journals I have on InsaneJournal can be found here: (somewhat-cracky!AU Tonks) and here: (OotP canon!Tonks)

Your Fandoms: All of them? Let’s see. Harry Potter, Dexter, and Doctor Who are the biggest ones; Doctor Horrible, Firefly, Veronica Mars, Pushing Daisies, Star Trek... and plenty more that I am less-active in but still have much love for!
How did you find the game: my lovely friend Viki is here and recommended it!
Who Do You Respect?: Aretha Franklin!

Fandom: Harry Potter
Name: Nymphadora Tonks. Just Tonks.
Birthdate: 26 September 1972
Age: 26
Physical Appearance: Tonks is of average height and in good physical shape, although those close to her have noticed that she’d gotten awfully thin lately. She was born with mousy brown hair that she always hated while growing up. She uses her powers as a metamorphmagus daily to change at least her hair colour, which she prefers to keep pink, though it isn't unusual to catch her on a blue or purple day, either -- and sometimes even brown or blonde when she's feeling subdued. She is most comfortable in jeans and t-shirts, and has a lingering predilection for 80s-style clothes, considering she was a teenager in the 80s. She has more pairs of leggings than she should admit. (PB Hannah Spearrit)
Education: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Hufflepuff House, 1984-1991; Auror Training, 1991-1994
Occupation: Auror, or former Auror, she supposes
Significant Other: married to Remus Lupin, presumed deceased
Sexual Preference: heterosexual

History: Nymphadora Ivy Tonks was born on 26 September 1972, a year and a half after her parents, Andromeda Black and Ted Tonks, were married. Andromeda left her job to devote herself to being a full-time mum, while Ted continued to work in a Quidditch shop in Diagon Alley to support their small family. They had some help from Ted's side of the family, but the Blacks effectually disowned Andromeda. The only member of her family she remained in contact with was her cousin Sirius, who was still quite young and in his third year at Hogwarts. Once he got a bit older, Sirius visited the Tonkses on holidays when he could manage to sneak away. When Sirius was kicked out of his house, he spent more time at his cousin's before staying with the Potters permanently, and Dora’s memories of Sirius from when she was about five years old are happy ones. However, when Sirius was sentenced to Azkaban for the murder of James and Lily Potter, Andromeda's contact with any member of her family was severed.

By the time Dora was ready to start school, she had very little memory of her cousin Sirius besides what she remembered from the news reports. Her mum stopped talking about him, and the Black family was rarely if ever mentioned in their household. Before starting school, Dora's abilities as a metamorphmagus were discovered, and her parents took her to several healers have tests run to be 100% sure. Her parents were both proud of her ability but also a bit wary, and became slightly overprotective as Dora grew, worried that she wouldn't be able to keep it under control and that other children would make fun of her.

Dora’s Hogwarts years were much different from her mother's. She was sorted into Hufflepuff, like her father, and at first she was quiet and shy around her peers. Her first year ended up becoming quite torturous as her metamorphmagical abilities were supressed (other kids DID in fact make fun of her at first for it) as well as being teased for her first name. If Nymphadora was a funny name to eleven and twelve year olds, it only got worse as they became thirteen and fourteen year olds... a group of boys from Slytherin found out what the word "nymphomaniac" meant one day, and by the end of that day her entire year was giggling and whispering behind her back. Thirteen-year-old Dora resolved to never, ever, EVER go by her first name again. She tried to change her name to Ivy, her middle name, at first, but instead decided to use her surname as a nickname, not answering anyone who called her Nymphadora, or even Dora as her mum continued to insist upon calling her. (She got over this a bit, at least with her mum and Remus, as she got older.)

Third year was when Tonks really started to come out of her shell, and she found herself a rather tight-knit group of friends. Rather than just finding close friends in her own house, though, she had friends in every house. Her best friend was -- and still is -- Rose Spore, who Hogwarts students should know as the author of 1001 Magical Herbs and Fungi. The two bonded in the face of oppressive and embarrassing first names (can you really blame Phyllida Spore for going by her middle name? Rose was actually the person who suggested Tonks go by hers, as Rose and Ivy would make a delightful duo of... plantyness... anyway, Rose still calls Tonks by such, which is a privilege exclusive to Rose only). Other than Rose, Chase Savage, Tonks’s only actual boyfriend at Hogwarts (who she didn’t actually date until after) was a Slytherin, and the two of them were in Auror training with Haysel Proudfoot, who was a Hufflepuff.

When Tonks decided to become an Auror in her fifth year at Hogwarts, her Professors tried to discourage her from it during her career advising, but she was very adament in her decision, and focused her studies for her remaining two years at Hogwarts just to prove everyone wrong. She got high enough marks in all of her O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. classes to enter Auror training, and completed it three years after leaving Hogwarts. She then joined the fight against Voldemort by joining the Order of the Phoenix, and continued to remain a dedicated member until her supposed death.

In 1995, Tonks met Remus Lupin. As a fellow Order member, she got to know him quite well in a short period of time, and quickly developed what she brushed off as a schoolgirl crush on him. Being thirteen years older than her, she never imagined he would ever reciprocate her feelings, but as their friendship grew and as she started finding more excuses to catch him alone, Tonks had a lot more trouble hiding her crush. Eventually she admitted it, and the decision was one that affected the rest of her life, for better or for worse. They dated in secret for seven months - from Christmas until the following summer, when suddenly, without warning, Remus ended things.

Tonks spiraled into a depression that stayed with her throughout the following Hogwarts school year - she took an assignment to be stationed at Hogsmeade with Chase and Haysel, hoping that the change in scenery and being around her friends would help. It didn’t. The few times she saw Remus - actually saw him, and spoke with him - she pleaded with him to change his mind. Every time his excuses were the same - he was too old for her, too poor to support her, and too dangerous. The fact that he was a werewolf never concerned Tonks. She was a capable Auror, and with all of the precautions that he took it was never enough to frighten her. And yet he always ran away. It wasn’t until the end of the school year, after Dumbledore was killed, that Tonks was able to convince him to come back to her.

Somehow, despite their past, despite the war that was quickly escalating in the wizarding world, Tonks was able to convince herself that this was going to fix everything. They began yet another whirlwind romance, filled with moments that bordered on mania - and a shotgun wedding. It didn’t last, of course, and it shouldn’t have surprised her - but it did, because now not only was she alone again, but she was alone and expecting a baby.

Tonks moved back in with her parents this time, rather than trying to manage everything on her own. She didn’t enjoy being pregnant, mostly because she hadn’t ever given much thought to having children, and she never expected to find herself single (separated?) and pregnant. She didn’t want to raise a child on her own, but she also had very little energy to try to win Remus back this time. She loved him, she knew that much, but there was a war going on, and being involved in the Order and the Ministry, in whatever capacity she could be anymore fighting for the good side, was more important right now. She pushed the optimist inside of her inside - the one that truly believed that the war would end, and she and Remus would work everything out, and they would raise their little family together happily ever after - and threw herself at her work, and with staying as safe and healthy as she could until the baby was born.

She was especially glad to be at home with her mother when they got word that her father had been murdered in the war. It was a painful experience for them both, and she would’ve wanted to be with Andromeda anyway. Even though they both knew the risks of being involved, and that it could have been any of them, or anyone else - it was one of the worst things Tonks could have imagined.

When Remus came back for Tonks at last, she was grateful, both for the comfort, and for the fact that he chose to return on his own, without her having to beg and plead to see him again. It made no sense to be away from each other, knowing that anything could happen. Tonks moved back in with him, although she knew her mother both needed her around for moral support, and disapproved, on some level, worrying that her Dora would only be hurt again. Remus promised them both that it wouldn’t happen, and Tonks trusted him.

Their son was born in the spring, and he was the bright spot in their otherwise gloom-and-doomy world. Although she’d never pictured herself as a mum, Tonks was in love with the job from the moment she saw Teddy, who they named after her father (and who was lucky to be a boy - he would’ve been Theodosia as a girl, and Tonks would have fully understood what it was like to bestow such a cumbersome name upon a poor, defenseless child). She couldn’t imagine ever leaving him, and for a few short months, they did get to happily raise their little family, although neither of them expected that ‘ever after’ would prove to be such a short time. The war pressed on, and Tonks and Lupin’s involvement was necessary, given their membership in the Order.

Following the Battle of Hogwarts, Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks were both among the casualties, killed by Death Eaters Antonin Dolohov and Bellatrix Lestrange, respectively.

Personality in seven words or less: confident, disoriented, escapist, persistant, trying to understand
How Others Perceive Your Character: To those she doesn’t know? A clumsy, depressive woman who won’t open up about... er, pretty much anything unless she’s had a few stiff drinks. To those she does know? She tries to stay as cheerful as she used to be, but it ain’t easy.
Beliefs, Convictions, Morals: That there is still good in the world. There is also evil, and she really would’ve liked to see its arse kicked before, well, getting hers killed. She believes in being a good person and treating others with the respect and dignity that they deserve. She believes (maybe a little too much) in love, and in the fact that real love doesn’t ever go away. It’s why she stuck with Remus for as long as she did, and why she will continue to do so.
Reason(s) for Escaping to Canada: Well, she just died. And then found herself here. It wasn’t a conscious decision, and she’s rather resenting it right about now, all things considered.
Their DHAs [Dreams, Hopes, and Aspirations] for Canada: To figure out exactly why she couldn’t just die; to find something to live for again. To try to have a relatively normal life again, if she absolutely has to. Not that she had a normal life in the last two years of it.

Twenty-Questions for the Characters:
(In your character's voice)

1. What turns them on: The smell of Remus's soap. Smile. Eyes that smile. Not being afraid to show emotion. Good taste in music. Optimism.
2. What turns them off: Egotism. Cockiness. Having a woe-is-me attitude about everything.
3. Would they see a shrink: Never thought about it before. I did just lose my husband and won and basically everything else, though, and pairing that with previous bouts of depression I'd say I have enough reason to. Not that I want to talk to anyone about it.
4. Worst Childhood experience: Everything that happened with Sirius. I don't remember it much, but knowing what I know now - you know, actual facts - it was a pretty difficult time for all parties.
5. Favorite Film: Romeo + Juliet. Shut up.
6. Favorite Song: Fuck, anything off the Weird Sisters' second record was brilliant.
7. Favorite Word: Brilliant.
8. Least Favorite Word: You-Know-Who's name.
9. Favorite Curse Word: Fuck.
10. Best gift ever received: My son probably doesn't count, or sounds totally cliche, but regardless, he was. Completely amazing.
11. Sound or Noise they hate: The sound of anything breaking or crashing or falling.
12. Sound or Noise they love: Lately, I've been preferring quietness to anything else. Music is always up there too.
13. Do they know the answer to 64 million dollar question: I guess not. And if I did it wouldn't matter. I don't need 64 million dollars.
14. [Complete the sentence] ... All the world's a stage... so you might as well just suck it up and deal with it before it's too late.
15. Did Yoko Ono really break up the Fab Four: Of course not. Falling in love is not a crime. Sure, it changes you, but that's life.
16. Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee: Bruce Lee.
17. Half full or half empty: Used to be half-full, but I'm not sure anymore.
18. Coke or Pepsi: Doesn't matter, so long as it's mixed with firewhiskey.
19. If they were a Jellybean flavor, which one: Watermelon.
20. And, finally, if Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Is Heaven still even in question? I was pretty sure I died already, and yet here I am.

→writing samples
Sample Journal Entry :

So let’s just go back over this to make sure I haven’t forgotten anything. (I haven’t.) Came around a corner. Remus was right behind me, except then I looked back and he wasn’t. Went back around same corner to find him, and instead found my darling auntie. Guard was down (like an idiot) and I should’ve been able to defend myself, but obviously that didn’t happen. Don’t remember much of that part. Too much pain. Think I got one good hex in.

Saw Remus come up behind Bellatrix. No idea what spell he used but the pain stopped for a split second and then he was next to me. I tried to tell him not to be daft, to get rid of Bellatrix because it didn’t matter how I was while she was still anything, but he either didn’t listen to me or I didn’t actually say anything. And then Bellatrix - and then he - it’s a big mess. I heard Remus scream. And I heard Bellatrix laugh. And I saw Remus’s eyes with tears in them, and I heard her say it... then - nothing.

And then I’m here. No idea where here was at that point; all I knew was that it was bright, and cold, and I was laying on the ground and I couldn’t move. So I kept laying there, pretty damn sure I was supposed to be dead, wondering why the hell it all still hurt so badly.

I know it all happened. I heard the curse. I saw Remus’s face and I have no idea if he’s even okay. If anyone is. Maybe everyone’s dead. And then I find out it’s neither 1998 nor am I in bloody Scotland so I guess none of it even fucking matters.

I need another drink.
Sample RPG:
Links to previous threads from other games as this character:

Here is a link to a thread 12GP!Tonks did with Charlie Weasley, which didn’t get finished:

And here’s the beginning to a log (which was finished, but apparently wasn’t posted, since I can only find it in my Google Docs!) with the same Tonks and Remus on a full moon night:

It was a dark and stormy night - and on top of it, somewhere out there above the clouds, there was a full moon. Usually on full moon nights Tonks puttered around headquarters for as long as possible, unable to sleep, before retiring to Lupin's room (after everyone else had gone to bed, of course, so they wouldn't see her go in there) and laying awake some more. But the thunderstorm made Tonks entirely too nervous to putter around the house so she'd gone to bed early.

It made it a bit more complicated to hide out in Lupin's room, and she almost wondered if she could Apparate from her room to his quietly enough. Instead, she'd put on her best stealthy-Auror hat (she wished she had one of those, it would've made training so much easier) and snuck down the hall and down the stairs to wait out her monthly fretful overnighter in yet another unfamiliar bed.

Honestly, she didn't know a whole lot about werewolves, which was a bit embarrassing, especially if she ever were to ask. It seemed like a personal sort of problem, really, albeit an extremely dangerous personal problem that everyone around you needed to be aware of. Did it still work when it was overcast, when the full moon was hidden? Obviously he had to go away still, just in case, but she had no idea if it was a light thing or a timing thing. It was probably a timing thing. That made the most sense. She knew it had to be painful, especially when he wasn't taking wolfsbane as she suspected for the past few months. She frowned and pulled the blankets tighter around herself, trying to force sleep. She'd think about it even if she didn't stay here, but staying was supposed to remind her that her friend would be the same kind, funny, insightful person tomorrow, and to make her worry less.

The curtains were already tightly drawn in the room when she got there, which was one less thing she'd have to "clean up" before she left. She usually brought her own blanket, but the nights were getting chillier now, so instead she was tucked in under the quilt with her head nearly up over her head, wincing a bit whenever the lightning flashed brightly enough to be seen despite the curtains.

She had nearly drifted off to sleep, comfortable and warm in her friend's bed, when she noticed a light brightening in the hallway underneath the closed (and locked) door. For a moment before she was fully awake again she thought it might have something to do with the storm, and that slight panic (however daft) caused her to wake up completely, enough to hear someone mutter "Alohamora". Her heart was racing and she was completely still, her wand gripped beneath the pillow. She knew it would only be embarrassment and an awkward explanation for why she was here to whoever it could be, but - well, it was reflex, after all.
Anything Non-Canon that's Going Down with your character: Nada, unless you count the whole not-being-dead thing! Which I guess is actually kind of a huge deal. So yes, there’s that.
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