Auror training details and timetable

Oct 10, 2004 15:48

Timetable - First Term


morning session
(9-10:30, 11-12:30)
General Information
Basic Healing
Cultural Studies
Spellwork I
Investigation Techniques

afternoon session
Self Defence I
Basic Healing
Self Defence I
Spellwork I
Spellwork I


General Information
job introduction, fields of Auror work, command structures, Auror history
Auror Williamson, guest instructors

Self Defence I
hand-to-hand combat, defence techniques
Auror Tonks

Basic Healing
spells, potions and Muggle first aid
Healer Mulgrew

Cultural Studies
finding your way in Muggle and wizarding society
Auror Williamson, Auror Tonks, guest instructors

Spellwork I
defence, concealment, disarming spells
Auror Williamson

Investigation Techniques
theory on investigative work
Auror Tonks, guest instructors

Self Defence and Spellwork will be continued in later terms and have thus been marked as level I

End-of-term examinations will take place in the final week of term - December 16-20, 1996


All first year trainees will be accommodated at the Lammas Park Guest House, run by Mrs Cluckinghan. No exceptions will be made. Sunday to Thursday curfew at 10:30 pm. No visitors allowed.
Breakfast is served between 7 and 8:30 am on weekdays. Weekend/holiday arrangements to be made with Mrs Cluckinghan.

Further Instructions

All trainees are required to purchase an official Auror robe, to be worn only on special occasions - no clothes specifications for training sessions. The robes are not to be worn in public unless explicitly required, and then always with the apprentice hat.


Monthly payment of trainee stipend at the start of the month to specified Gringott's account.
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