Tonks' Bio

Jun 25, 2004 16:52

Tonks in OotP:

We know she is an Auror and has finished her training about a year ago at the beginning of OotP - this would make two years now.
Her mother is Andromeda Black-Tonks who was cut off from her family for marrying Muggleborn Ted Tonks.

Tonks is a bit clumsy and prone to accidents of all kinds.

As a Metamorphmagus she is able to change her appearance at will.

What we know about Tonks at Hogwarts is this:
    'I was never a prefect myself,' said Tonks brightly from behind Harry as everybody moved towards the table to help themselves to food. Her hair was tomato red and waist-length today; she looked like Ginny's older sister. 'My Head of House said I lacked certain necessary qualities.'
    'Like what?' said Ginny, who was choosing a baked potato.
    'Like the ability to behave myself,' said Tonks.
From the sound of that, the 'Head of House' mentioned must have been either Snape or McGonagall - and my guess is that it was Snape, as she would have just said "McGonagall" or "our esteemed Head of House" when talking to a bunch of Gryffindors.

My Tonks:

Being the child of a mixed marriage of the extreme kind, Tonks (born on August 3rd, 1973) has always been a bit of a loner - her mother’s family has cut off any connections and that of her father is all-Muggle. Being an only child, she has never had any contemporaries she could relate to. She still remembers fondly the visits of 'uncle' Sirius with Remus and Peter when she was a small child. They used to call her 'Dora' - just like her Dad. And it was Remus who maintained contact all those years, even after Sirius had been sent to Azkaban, and later introduced/invited her to the Order.

At Hogwarts, Tonks was Sorted into Slytherin, the house her mother had been in - and the Sorting Hat probably recognised her desire to show them all that she was more than just an odd 'half-blood' girl.
Ever since she has known her mother’s history (i.e. being almost "sold off" to an elder man), she has decided to become more than just a more or less devoted wife to some arrogant wizard, and her ambitions have made it possible to work hard enough to qualify for Auror training.
However, had she been a Gryffindor, no amount of work would have allowed for surviving Snape’s Advanced Potions classes and passing her NEWTs there - as it is, she was able to keep her clumsiness under control during his lessons.
She still carries a great respect for her former Head of House and does trust him more than most others. In public, outside of Order meetings, she still calls him "Professor".
Tonks left Hogwarts the same summer Harry turned 11 - had she still been there when he started school, she would most likely have commented on that fact in OotP.

Her special ability has developed early on; once as a child she has involuntarily grown her legs to man-size when someone told her that she was still too small to do something. After that, her parents had her checked and she has been given special lessons to control her morphing abilities.
She usually only morphs when it is really necessary, as it is always a problem to get used to limbs of different length and weight - which might be one of the reasons for her clumsiness, as she’s never got used to her body the way everybody else does. Changing smaller features like her hair colour and length (or her nose "style") does not pose any problems, though. But sometimes, when she has vivid dreams, she will awake in the morning and have involuntarily changed.

If asked what she 'really' looks like, she will answer that she’s always real, that there is no Finite Incantatem to reveal a hidden appearance. So the way she looks is what she feels she should look like, how she feels most comfortable. Which is rather tiny, about 5' 3", slender, with short hair and the dark blue eyes she was born with, and has not changed for years. She might be able to pass off as a sixteen-year-old if necessary.

Having always been a loner, Tonks greatly enjoys staying at Grimmauld Place during the holidays with the Weasley kids, Harry and Hermione. To her, it’s like suddenly having lots of brothers and sisters, with Molly and Arthur like a pair of surrogate parents. She has never before experienced normal wizarding family life. So she is likely to move in there while they are also staying.

Oh, and she will most likely develop a bit of a crush on one or both of the older Weasley boys when she meets them. Who could resist them, after all?
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