It ebbs and it flows

Dec 11, 2011 20:48

I'm starting to hate myself for writing so much about being lonely.

But I really am. No other way to put it but I am on my own.

I have friends but there are times when I feel I am not even part of the picture. When people ask me questions I get the feeling they're watching a freak show and waiting for me to mess up. Which I do, most of the time. I tend to mumble my way through conversations and people end up speaking on my behalf.

Now that's funny, I am now both lonely and stupid.

What's the point of it all?

I am being all drama right now, but in this drama, I am acting alone.

As always.

Loneliness comes suddenly like waves, one after the other, and recedes just as fast. That continues on forever. It’s the same for everyone.
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