(no subject)

Feb 01, 2008 17:39

Went back to the health clinic today to ask some questions. Told them that I've been coughing and chest still gets tight. The main doctor said she wants me to go see a Pulminary(?) doctor-basically a breathing specialist. The offices are already closed for the weekend, so she is sending my info out on Monday. Then it usually takes around 72 hours for them to get back. I will be leaving Wednesday to get ready for my best friend's brother's wedding on Saturday so the appointment will have to be the next week. My mom had already scheduled an appointment with an allergist in St. Marys for Feb 11, so hopefully that will get some kind of result.  I'd really like to find out what is really wrong with me and then work towards fixing it! The health clinic lady said it really sounds like I have undiagnosed asthma, but it's strange that after all the years of playing sports it would hit me now. I bet I'm allergic to Savannah... : /

Well , now I'm off to the 2nd night of AAUS's 'New Voices'. I just want to get thru it and come back,eat,watch a movie, and try to go to bed before 5 in the morning. I just keep reminding myself that I go home in 4 1/2 days.
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