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Jan 22, 2008 00:26

  Got myself outside today for a quick grocery shopping trip. It was cold, but there and back I had no asthma problems, so I was happy. 
   Also, I had signed up for www.bookcrossing.com and I found my first book at the Krogers while shopping. :) Harry Potter 3. I will re read it and release it back into the wild. Also while searching for book in PA around where my grandma lives I came across a place called Brandywine,PA that made me think of the Brandywine Rive in Lord of the Rings. I've been re discovering some of the great/sweet/sad/healing fan fiction of LotR on www.storiesofarda.com .

So I've been hanging in here; I at least got thru the long weekend. My first stagecraft class is tomorrow and I'm bringing my inhaler b/c we have to unpack everything from last semester and see what survived and what we need to rebuild. Dust, you know. I'm thinking of going to see the counselor between my classes but I haven't decided yet. I'd probably have to miss my scene design class again tho. (At least I finally start reading the play I was suppose to last week.) I also have been trying to get back into a good eating pattern slowly. I ate full (for me) meals for brunch and lunch today. Mandi also gave me the advice of eating more fruits and vegatables so this weekend I finished off an apple and half of my pear (the bottom was starting to get mushy so I didn't eat it).

My Dad was talking to me about my breathing problems yesterday. He was saying if I can't figure out a way to get them really under control I might want to think of transfering schools because I can't spend 4 years like this. It made me sad for a while because I mostly like my classes and I love the Savannah area, but then I started thinking.Just in case he was right. Other college I thought about going to were Valdosta State, FCCJ, University of North Florida. I want to stay close enough to home (St. Marys) to be able to visit, but far enough to be on my own. Both the Fl schools I went to during high school for softball cinics and if I went to one it would be UNF, but it would be more expensive because even though I live just 40 minutes away from the Fl border HOPE scholarship doesn't apply in Fl. I'm not fond of VSU, the dorm rooms there were tiny and as an only child, I've come to like having my own room. At the moment, my bestie,Mandi, and I are talking of getting an apartment/dorm together next year when she comes here to take her main core classes. It looks to be a much better option to living with my crazy roommates now. I've discovered our lifestyles are not very much alike after all. But they are a bit quieter tonight after an afternoon filled with loud music with bass that I asked them to turn down because it was giving me a headache, but I'm going to try and get to bed before 5:30am tonight. I'm going to turn off the laptop and just read like I used to and try to relax. I'm still sleeping half sitting up to help me breathe but it's been a little easier to get to bed the past 2 nights so hopefully that trend will continue. Bon nuit tout le monde.
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