(no subject)

Jan 17, 2008 11:17

Just got back from AASU's health clinic. I paid $42 for 1 quick(er) action inhaler medicine and 1  weird smoking treatment that seemed to help loosed my chest. Throat's still a bit tight but the doctor lady said that was ok if my chest was looser. The smoking thing made me feel like the catipiller from Alice in Wonderland smoking. : /  But they told me it would make me real jittery and boy, oh boy has it ever! I've never done any kind of drug but I imagine this is what some would feel like. My hands are shaking and in the office my heart rate was up and my legs are a bit jittery, but mostly my hands. It's kind of freaky but hopefully being jittery and a dry throat is a small price to pay to be able to breate fully.  She said I had something called Air Hunger. I was breathing (duh,but not very well obviously) but it was very shallow and I wasn't getting as much air as I should.  They close at 4:45pm and I'm not sure if I will stop by again later today or wait until tomorrow. Depends on how well I feel and how long that med lasts.

I got back after the clinic and getting my package from my Mom and when I took deeper breathes I heard weird weezy noise when I breathed in. Very strange sound. If I can't stop being jittery I want to nap (because I stayed up all night breathing and counting the hours while surfing the web and playing roller coaster tycoon) I think I am skipping Scene design. I haven't read the play yet or written down the assignment so I will call Sammi tomorrow and get whatever we did for next week. At least today is Thursday so 3 day NO, 4 day weeked because of MLK holiday Monda y. This gives me time to see how well this medicine is working and/or go back for that treatment. I'm going to try and lay down and calm down and hopefully get a few hours of sleep. (Damn allergies in Savannah giving me asthma and cause me to panic. If I had any wish right now I would with my allergies away No thought required! Being "sick" is messing with my day to day life now and cause me to be  depressed)

I'm really not a depressing sick person. I have happy thoughts, but lately at college, allergies/asthma is kick my buck all over campus.((hugs from a hopefully slowly getting better Tonks07))
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