
Jan 15, 2008 03:15

  Mom picked up my allergy test results for me today. yea! So now at least I know what is annoying me. Of course some of the worst are oak and elm trees(everywhere in southern Ga), dogs(I have on and love them), and kentucky saw grass(which I don't know anything about really but it's grass and being allergic to grass is retarded). 
   But lately I've been getting sinus headaches. I used to only get them once in a blue moon, but now I've been having them for the past 3 days. Kind of annoying. And I've noticed when they start bugging me, to try and relieve the pressure I start making funny faces. :/ I bet people in my class are like "what is up with that weirdo girl making those strange faces?" Oh well. It's making it harder for me to concentrate on reading too, which makes me sad because I just got 2 new books in the mail. (The Daring Book for Girls by Andrea J. Buchana and Miriam Peskowitz recommended in a steampunk community, and The Frodo Franchise by Kristin Thompson, which I found through Shirebound[can't link for some reason] ,who was posting interesting excerpts in their lj. My Gram sent me chewable tylenol (I don't/can't take pills of any size any more. It may be all in my head but I tell them that doesn't make it any less real.) but it seemed to help a bit. Any one have any tips on relieving sinus headaches? I'm all ears.
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