Things I <3 Thursday

Jan 04, 2008 00:28

 Things I love Thursday: (idea from )

-cats and dogs
-pets in general
- the Victorian Co. magazine I got today
-Spice girls (don't hate-they were awesome in the 90's, I downloaded an album from iTunes and rediscovered my love of them)
-sparkler pictures with slow exposure
-warm fires
-tea in old fashion tea cups (used my new cup and saucer today)
-purple things
-Jo Rowling (I can't wait to see that documentary about her)
-101 Things in 1001 days  Seriously check it out. Ultimate new year's resolutions.
-Cumberland Island and the Dungeness ruins
-sleeping late
-being home
-bpal perfumes! 
-organizing my clothes (yea it's exciting b/c I have so much stuff I don't need or doesn't fit anymore)
-striped socks
- warm mittens with hearts sewn on


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