stolen from
bridge_of_sighs 1. What is your favorite animal?
I usually automatically answer cats, but then I stopped and thought about why don’t I answer dogs. I love most pets. Then I realized that some dogs are pretty ugly and some can be trained to be real mean, but how many killer cats are there really? And 98% of cats are elegant and pretty, so my answer after all that is cats.
2. Use 3 adjectives to say why you like this animal. (Example: pretty,
wild, fierce, strong, mysterious, cunning, sly, etc.)
independent, graceful, mysterious
3. You are in a white, bright room with no doors and no windows. How
does it make you feel?
like I’m in an asylum, on display. Blinded, yet curious and afraid. Lots of feeling for just one room…
4. You're standing on a balcony looking at the ocean. What are the waves like? You can imagine this any way you like. Any type of scenery, anything. Just describe the waves.
Strong, steady, unceasing. Medium sized
The adjectives you used are meant to be how you want people to see you.
The way you described how you'd feel in the white room is supposed to be how you feel about death.
The way you described the waves is supposed to be how you want your lover to describe you in bed.