dude...sweet =D

Oct 29, 2005 14:49

I got my costume!!YES!mom picked it up for me.i forgot how awesome it is.but any way just got back from the phantoms of the opera tour/haunted house thing at the school.it was pretty darn cool.good acting,awesome props,and hampton as our tour guide was hilarious.He was Elroy and was an old guy with glow-in-the-dark blue hair.It was awesome.Overview:the main plot was following phantom,christine getting captured,raoul fighting him in the graveyard,but they also had demented clowns,dr. jeckyll/mr hyde,van helsing(great actors there),wizard of oz(v. funny),little red riding hood,and a headless bride.interesting.worth seeing,but they said tonight would be scarier and I told them I'd be back in costume.oh!and i got my picture taken with the phantom.:P chessy,but hight amusing.Party tonight at mandi's,should be fun.(mandi you suck-tell us what your costume is!)I'll see you people at the party.a tout a l'heure.



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