Cookies are here!

Feb 11, 2010 20:19

Girl Scout cookies arrived today! Om nom nom. (yea a chance to use my EA icon!)  I already have my Thin Mints in the freezer getting ready for dessert later. This will undoubtingly be my 1st of many boxes. Thin Mints are my favorite. :)

A little backround for new ppl on my f-list: I'm a life time member of the Girl Scouts. This is my 15th year. My mother is the head of our service unit. And since she is the head of our area she has to be at the unloading of everyone's cookies and I usually  hvae to help. But I didn't have to help unload all day because I was in class. Score! Last year my arms muscles were so sore after omg. Them cookies crates are heavy! So yeah, if you haven't bought any you totally should b/c it's only $3-4 (depending where you live) and it helps support your local girls.

  relevant? I think so.

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