celeb quote <3

Nov 09, 2008 19:36

"I stopped reading [the book] when it said, 'Even in the rain he looked like he was in an underwear commercial.'"

- Twilight star Robert Pattinson, on why he initially thought he wasn't right for film's romantic lead, to EW
found here ->http://community.livejournal.com/ohnotheydidnt/29522091.html

Hahaha Even the actor playing Edward thinks the books are ridiculous! Lol. But seriously, holiday break can you come faster pls? I need time to chill,eat home cookin',and finish Twilight. Also reread the HP books,but I can do that whenever. Does it annoy anyone else sometimes that the HP books are so freaking HUGE?! Like, I can't carry them with me to read because they would cause my purse to drag the ground!


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