Oooo,pictures update

Jun 22, 2008 14:17

darkestwriter* I think you are the first person to nudge me on lj. I was like "woah,what is that? Oh! That means I should post!" So, here is what I've been up to lately.

I went to Savannah to finish getting everything out of my dorm room and dang there was more stuff than I remember. I have no idea now how I got it all in that teeny room. Because I practically never vacumed and only swept,there was lots of dust that killed my allergies and made me lose my voice for a few days.It is just coming back now,but if I talk too long it starts to crack again. 

 Some of the junk packed into the car

After cleaning Mom and I went to watch the end of my Dad's travel team game. I snuck in the dugout to take more pictures and got some pretty good ones.



Then the next day (15th) was my birthday! AND Father's Day. Woot! Last time they were both on the same day Dad and I went golfing but this year we were both too tired. And even if I could barely whisper I was excited. I only had a mini party. For lunch y family met with one of my besties,Mandi's, family,and Mr. Jeff and Mrs RosaLee at a new Mexican resturant for lunch. It was pouring of course when we arrived! Luckily Mr. Roger was helping us and random stranger get to and from thier cars. Mandi said he should be charging them-I agreed. Using sign language/charades was fun to try and talk to people. Mandi and I started  making plans for our dorm next year. I can't wait to decorate-my roommates this year were pretty boring at decorating.

My party was a few hours later with mostly the same people + my 2 nieghbors. I had the idea of it kind of being a little Alice in Wonderland-ish theme, so I had tea,munchies,rock candy,stuff like that.


 Mom bought me BRIGHT flowers! <3 They are still hanging in there and are now on my bedroom dresser.

 My mom and I

  Strange angle picture of my Dad and me.We are both trying to fit in his chair like we used to do when I was really young.It doesn't work as well anymore. :P

 Check out the cake layers and the candles. :) <3

So life has been pretty good overall lately. Now-back to cleaning and putting away college stuff.Or relaxing which is why I'm online taking a break from cleaning.

Also,any one on my f-list have a Flickr account. I got one a while ago but I didn't really use it. Now I'm seeing how many awesome pictures I come across while browsing Flickr and I'm thinking of starting using it again. Why do you like Flickr? Or not like? 

keyword-93, keyword-80

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