RAOK and prom dress ramblings

Apr 21, 2008 21:34

Today as I was going to check and pay for my food at the school cafeteria my school id that I use to charge everything on still wasn't working. Seriously AASU-wtf?! 1 1/2 weeks of school left and after telling them 3 different times they still haven't fixed my card in the computer. Bad school for anything relating to $$. But anyway, I sighed and went to dig in my purse to find my wallet and the guy behind me (who I have never met before ever!) ofter to let me use his card to pay. Really surprised me. That was really nice of him though and once I was outside I realized maybe I should have done something beside just say "thanks"  and walk away,but oh well. It made me smile that people on campus are always pyschotic.

I also got my old bridesmaid dress from like 5 years ago. I never got to wear it because the wedding was called off and at the time I was very sad. I love dressing up for weddings. But my bestie Mandi invited me back to Camden to come to prom with her gang and I was looking thru my mom's old things in hope of finding something when my Aunt called and said she still had my old gown in the closet and would send it. It's a very pretty kind of purple/blue halter. It's plain and the top is definately too big so I'm not sure if I want to wear that or the dress I wore my junoir year to prom. My awesome black and white dress from last year is too big in the top because I've lost so much weight in college,but when I go home this week I might ask if I can get that one altered insted because I felt pretty sexy wearing that and my top hat.

  Me and my top hat. Pimpin'  :P The tall guy hidden behind me is one of my close guy friends and my date. He had a tail coat. <3 The girl with purple/pink hair is my best friend I'm going with this year.


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