Obama's speech

Mar 26, 2008 00:00

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Damn. I came across a link to this while browsing through some of saved websites on my Favorites tab. I keep telling myself I need to learn more about the possible Presidental canidates this year since I'm able to vote, (well I sent my form in 2 weeks ago,so I should officially be able to soon) but I haven't really looked up anything about anyone. I'm definately going to be looking up more on Obama though. This is his long speech about race and his pastor mostly. I'm impressed. He speaks very well. I hate people with boring voices. Like those teachers in school that lexture in monotone voices. ZZzzzzz. Bush's voice just doesn't move me at all. Obama's actually sounds like he cares about what he is saying. Now, I'm off to look up more on him. If you'd like to pass along any links you have that'd be great.


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